Students with Mental Deficiencies

The problems in accordance with the research are thematic boarded before the reality of the daily one in the insertion of the society and mainly in the schools of basic education, said regular, with pupils ‘ ‘ normais’ ‘ , making with that the pupils and professors work practical pedagogical before the inclusion of said individuals ‘ ‘ anormais’ ‘ for many. Bfpl may help you with your research. mainly to make projects that assist in the work of the interaction of diverse children, thing that little occurs in the schools of today. Inclusion as the word already calls means to include to place something or somebody in I believe that Brazil being a Country, with several politicians and governors, does not present initiative to reach a minimum percentage of inclusion, therefore are several the types of social, racial, physical, poor and rich inclusion. Thus equal it is the great proper challenge and of the being, being and fondness to be different. Certainly the schools of Rio Grande Do Sul, is not prepared with space, organization, to take care of ‘ ‘ todos’ ‘ , but the government, and the school is not giving bigger incentive for this reality, is yes a reality that is present in all the places, and does not have to close the eyes stops with the same one. The guarantee of an education of quality for all implies, amongst other factors, in a redimensionamento of the school of what it not only consists of the acceptance, but also in the valuation of the differences. It is appraised social inclusion as the process for which the society if adapta to be able to include, its general social systems, people with necessities special e, simultaneously, these if prepare to assume its roles in the society.