Latin America

We have willingness and decision to continue building the nation. We will do it slowly or quickly, but we will do it.This creative will is the same that drives peoples brothers of Latin America. Do almost together were born to life independently and together we must launch us to conquer our performs? tion. Latin America is much more than a collection of Nations United by geography, history, institutions, and faith. Latin America is a common fate and a common undertaking of human redemption. This community that we integrate the Latin American peoples sits on a continent that is a unit in its geographical expression and its historical roots, and that this joined also by a common yearning for democratic realization.That reason was Don Hipolito Irigoyen, illustrious Chair of the Argentines, when he stated that men are sacred for men and peoples are sacred to the peoples.Relations with the brotherly countries of Latin America should be taken to a level of complete identification, especially in what refers to neighbouring countries. We conclude with the small problems of limits and arrogate to agreements as comprehensive as possible, aimed at promoting the development and the integration within each of the countries. To make Latin America a powerful community of Nations it is essential that each one of them reach greater prosperity possible, because every Latin American nation’s development will accelerate the development of others.Argentina must remain in the Organization of American States, to defend these great principles of continental solidarity. You must also remain in the United Nations and other international organizations and cultural, social, and technical cooperation, humanitarian, because they are all significant advances towards the realization of universal morality to which we aspire and the establishment of an effective international law.In the bosom of the international organisations, our representatives must advocate for the rescue of the rules, the legal principles that integrate the national ideology and for the right of all peoples to the realization and integration of their respective Nations, eliminating all forms of colonialism, trilateralism and monetarist doctrine of the school of Chicago.En virtue of the desire for peace and universal understandingArgentina grasps the need for the solution of international problems concerned and is carried out within the United Nations and by the natural bodies that determine its statutes.In that same spirit, Argentina must trade with all nations of the Earth without discrimination and interfere in the internal problems of other countries.