Classroom Difficulties

On the other hand, 8% have difficulties with similar letters and 2% possess difficulties in multiple representations, inversions and addition in the writing. PERSISTENCE OF DEAF PUPILS INSIDE OF CLASSROOM the graph represents the persistence of the pupils with deafness in classroom, to win its difficulties of learning. Graph 3: Of the persistence of the deaf pupils to win such difficulties. SOURCE: Elaboration of the author (Research of field? Luis Carlos/Nov.08). In graph 03 he perceives yourself that the professors had classified the persistence in excellent, good, regular and insufficient. Get all the facts and insights with Richard Linklater, another great source of information. One notices that the analyzed pupils keep a good persistence to inside win its difficulties of classroom with 89%, since, they look for to keep a good one auto-they esteem, they gives much attention and they always looks for to be next to a child listener. While the regular persistence was with 11%, these pupils find many difficulties mainly in if to relate even though with other children with deaf children, they try to express itself with drawings, exactly thus, feel difficulties in the communication RESULTS OF the IMBALANCE OF the MASCULINE AND FEMININE DEAF PUPILS.

This graph portraies the main losses, which the pupils with deafness possess, causing the imbalance of same in the pertaining to school institution. Graph 4: Of the imbalances of the deaf pupils in the teach-learning. SOURCE: Elaboration of the author (Research of field? Luis Carlos/Nov.08). In this graph 4 he details the occurrence of the imbalances of the deaf pupils who study in the regular series of the basic education of the city of Belm, that is caused by some great ' ' perdas' ' of the deaf people, which involve the auditory process to receive and to transmit information to the environment, that they are: the lack of auditory discrimination that is the lack of the process to detect differences and similarities in the perceived sounds, the lack of auditory memory, that mentions the lack that ability involves to store and to evoke the auditory material and the lack to it of auditory analysis that means the lack in the operation that decomposes the received sonorous information, that the desistance of the pupils with deafness causes.