Currently, in our country, we face serious related challenges our life in the planet Land, one of them is the complexity and problematic existing diversity in the ambient one. Amongst the sources of ambient degradation the domestic solid residues, when managed inadequately, they offer risk to the environment. It fits to stand out, that the integration of knowledge, values and capacities to assent the generation of coherent communitarian attitudes with the estimated ones of the ambient education. It is task of an ambient educator to develop an association, spreading out its knowledge and to suggest techniques and instruments that inspire the enrollment of the community, in favor of the maintenance of sustainable ambient systems and that its residues manage echo-efficient. It is understood, for ambient education the dimension given to the content and practical of the education, guided for the resolution of the concrete problems of the environment through approaches interdisciplinares and one active and responsible participation of each individual and the collective. A definition of ambient education is claimed . (1996, P.
47), According to author, the Ambient Education is the knowledge of the structure, the composition and the functionality of the nature, of the interferences that the man produced on this structure, this composition and this functionality. GUIMARES (2000, P. 31) defines Ambient Education as one meaning of that this points with respect to the transformations of the society in direction the new paradigms of social justice and ambient quality. To make possible the citizen to think of conscientious form the environment of total form, worried about the problems associates to this environment and that it has the knowledge, the attitudes, motivations, envolvement and abilities to work individual and collectively in brainstorming to decide the current problems and to prevent the futures. To inform and to guide are basic conditions so that it has support.