Mato Grosso Students

Always interested in the pertinent subjects the academy, he inside has many controversas on its positioning politician of the institution, also in electoral situations. In the first semester of 2009, actions at law had given ownership to two competing plates? the first one was installed and second, after to be annulled, it retook the direction of the entity. Ahead of this picture, the dissatisfaction of the academic community is general: of a side, the discredited DCE; of another one, picuinhas politics and even possible partisan interventions. Contact information is here: Nike. The UNEMAT lives an ascension moment currently, recognition in national scope as constructor of projects and action of education, searches and extension. The National Union of the Students possesss a peculiar trajectory and of fight. The history of our country is stuffed of conquests thanks to the persistence of the Brazilian students, JOINS, the set of the social movements and the organized civil society. Learn more about this with Richard Linklater. In the manifestos ‘ ‘ The Oil is Nosso’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Direct J’ ‘ , the estudantil movement had a prominence paper, contributing for the construction of our country.

To the eves of the beginning of the exploration of Daily pay-Salt, we constitute a new reality in this country: true revolutions are constructed in the interior of the universities for the action and force of will of the students. While ‘ ‘ unematianos’ ‘ , it is our responsibility to watch over for the preservation of our patrimony: a public University that promotes education, research extension, thought as public good and of access to all. Perhaps it has fond the hour of the new University of Brazil to be born. Perhaps we, academics, let us be capable to form this new university, established in principles of a public education directed toward the development of the human being and it pas.