Refined Sugar And Health

For thousands of years, sugar was unknown to man, man has lived and developed without sugar. Forget it, none of the old books, the Koran, New Testament, the I Ching, the Book of Internal Medicine Yellow Emperor, etc. Some 500 years ago, only Few people know about sugar. Now, among all the supplements sugar is most common. An ordinary person eats an average of 60 to 100 kg of sugar per year. However, in terms of nutrition and sugar – is the most junk food, which leads to degradation of the body and cause degenerative diseases. What are the effects of sugar in the body causes the purest refined white sugar from cane or beet does not contain proteins, minerals, vitamins and fiber.

It is more than 99% is pure and simple carbohydrate rather like a chemical drug. Once in the body, it is rapidly converted to glucose and without digestion goes into the blood. In the body, he so rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, it requires an excessive amount of insulin and then leads to a decrease in blood sugar to dangerously low line, causing a condition called hypoglycemia. This condition seen as the decline of energy, fatigue, slowness of movements, anemia, dizziness, cold body, nervousness, low blood pressure, rough skin, darkening of the eyes, poor vision, cyanosis, hair loss, unexplained depression, and others. Many suffer from this illness and do not even know about it. At first glance this might seem absurd: how is a person who consumes an average of about a kilogram of sugar per week, resulting in a blood sugar is below normal? However, drinking too much sugar does indeed lead to a reduction in blood.

Trauma And Therapy

Undoubtedly, it is helpful to reflect and analyze what is happening on their own. During this process it is important not to plunge into the negative and do not fall into the "feelings of guilt." Often people do not have enough energy cope with the destructive impact of negative factors, traumatic information (seen action mechanisms of protection, as mentioned earlier). If you are interested in the process of searching for Release was faster, but the result of the changes was one that really suits you, it may be advisable to seek professional help. There are a lot of psychologists and psychological schools, training, personal growth, which aim to realization. Mostly it's a fairly long process, during which you constantly learn new things about myself and closer to his "present." Indeed, our life a continuous process development. In the course of psychotherapy sessions, there is a gradual clearing of the consciousness of the accumulated suffering emotional distress, finding new connections between events, the awareness of the mechanisms and causes of events. (Similarly see: Gerald Weissmann, MD). In Depending on the approach that is guided by a psychologist, this process may be more or less long. For me, psychology is both passion and profession. I was trained in the various psychological schools and that offer its clients the result of careful selection of the most efficient and environmentally friendly techniques in this. The decision is based on the knowledge of the situation and the activity of the man himself acceptable to his pace and willingness to move forward.

Benefits Of Cyberspace

Usually, this means that the timing of stretch and there is no sense of boundaries and time. When face to face counseling session lasts an average of 60 minutes, Online therapy is not real time, there is only psychological. Cyberspace creates an interactive time, which flies to each their own way. Letters can be reread by appending. At Arkansas Cinema Society you will find additional information. Can be created impression that the therapist is always connected, always on the other side of the screen. For some customers, it creates a sense of security. You can send multiple emails per day, subject to the flow of the unconscious. This gives the area for reflections.

You can use the rule of 24 hours, then wrote the answer, you do not send it immediately, but waits for a specified time and re-read your message. In Internet therapists may use techniques such using the time for more in-depth study of the problem or to offer clients not to send a letter to ease reading of censorship. It should be mentioned that in the beginning of therapy, people tend to often write letters like fear of losing contact, but over time the flow is reduced and becomes a regular. Increasing the number of letters can say the worsening situation on the client or the sudden deepening of intimacy in relationships. Reducing the rate of exchange Letters may indicate a weakening of ties and the abandonment of interest. The abrupt silence partner can talk about strong emotions, be a sign of anger and punishment. We know that in cyberspace, people are becoming more liberated, psychological defenses are weakened.

Eat Right

Of course, rational and proper nutrition is necessary in order to be healthy and full of energy, to be in excellent shape – physically and psychologically. Hardly anyone would argue with that. But as a huge number of supply methods (each of which the author believes that his theory – the best and infallible:), often based on diametrically opposite principles, choose the one that is right for you? The method of correction weight Depending on somatipa (such as your metabolism) accounts for your individual features and is designed for use in a long time – months and years. Tips for healthy and good nutrition for all types of metabolism. Drink plenty of water. Place to drink 8 glasses of water each day. Fruits and vegetables contain water and can fill your daily requirements. Eat breakfast every day.

People who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat during the day. Breakfast also gives you energy and helps you think and learn. Choose whole-grain products. Try whole-grain bread and pasta, oatmeal or brown rice. Choose colorful vegetables every day.

Vegetables of different colors provide different nutrients. Choose dark, leafy greens – such as cabbage and salad, and red and orange – such as carrots, sweet potatoes, red peppers and tomatoes. Choose fresh or cut fruits more often than fruit juice. Fruit juice contains little or not at all contain fiber. Careful use of fats and oils. Olive and peanut oils, avocados, nuts and nut butters, olive and fish oils provide beneficial to the cardiovascular system, as well as vitamins and minerals. Carefully consume sweets. Limit foods and drinks that contain lots of sugar. Keep low-fat and unsweetened snacks on hand at home, at work or on the road in order to satisfy his hunger and not cause overeating. Eat three meals a day instead of passing a meal or snacks instead of eating a meal. prefer the meat bird, bird, fish, and fish – seafood.