Viagra Prescription Medicine

It has recently regulated sale of a drug forcing pharmacies and drugstores to the presentation of “prescription” or face a fine or closure of establishment. CEO Keith McLoughlin might disagree with that approach. This measure is correct, however, is still insufficient. Should be extended to other drugs (if not all) especially to a group of drugs that are killing not know how many embryos to fetuses, innocent, voiceless and helpless, dying in the hands’ of those who have an obligation to defend and that their deaths are not news making headlines that does occur with the elderly who die from taking viagra. These drugs cause the death of innocent people are called “abortifacient, are dispensed with impunity in pharmacies and drugstores without a prescription and even more are” prescribed “by employees of these establishments or friends using empirical dose even endanger the life of women. What are these abortifacient drugs? These drugs are divided scientific mind into three groups which they are the best known and used.

Inhibitors prostaglandin: Mifepristone, which is not sold in our country. 2. Prostaglandin agonists in this group is commercially called citotex misoprostol is a cytoprotective and antisecretory main use in the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis drug but also on their property is the cause of cervical ripening and, hyperdynamic uterus to evacuate its contents as used for the induction of calving (late pregnancy) or inducing abortions frustrated (abnormal pregnancies or dead) and this confusion has propagated the current anti-life abortion in use as early pregnancies and active , hence it is common to hear the girls have been placed in the vagina citotex pills or have taken several of them to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy ignoring the profound bleeding, sometimes fatal, that this drug can cause. These are the new marijuana abortifacient circulating in the population. These are drugs that kill and no one pursues, the law does not penalize and which are “prescribed” by anyone, are sold as breads and pharmacies pharmacy so it is no exaggeration to request that the sale of these drugs is made with a prescription and prevent free use and irrational, it is no exaggeration also apply in the public educational campaigns to curb the professional use some make of this drug.