
The Disease of Alzheimer is an upheaval characterized by the progressive and chronic destruction of the nervous system. It is the cause most common of dementia in the population especially in the one of greater age. It is possible to be defined to the dementia like a disease characterized by alterations and faults in the memory, psychological and psychiatric alteration of the language, changes and deterioration of the daily activities that a person realises. The disease of Alzheimer is present in 6% of the greater population of 65 years and increases with the age. Their annoyances are grouped under different types from symptoms: The first group (mental dysfunction) includes loss of the memory, upheavals of the language, upheavals of the abilities of planning and the intellectual coordination.

The second group includes psychiatric symptoms and upheavals of the conduct and the behavior (depression, hallucinations, agitation). The third group includes/understands difficulties to realise the activities of the daily life (to lead, to make purchases, to get dressed and to eat without aid). All these alterations progress from slightest (loss of the memory) to most serious (dementia) Are important to stress that many grouped alterations of the mental capacity under the form of slight mental deterioration begin long before diagnosing the disease of Alzheimer, reason why are important a precocious detection of these annoyances to determine if a person will suffer this disease. TYPICAL OF THE SLIGHT MENTAL DETERIORATION? Upheavals of the memory, corroborated preferably by an informant. Deterioration of the capacity to remember (mnsica function) according to the age and education of the patient.

Conserved general cognitive function. Intact activities of the daily life. Without dementia evidence. FORM OF PRESENTATION OF the ALZHEIMER DISEASE the loss of memory is universal and is the first symptom in the majority of the cases. The gradual beginning of the loss of the memory can badly be attributed to the normal aging.