However, Brando (2008) quotation that what it exists they are not only different concepts on education, but that it has economic interests and politicians whom if they project on the education. Brando points to the reality of that the education in Brazil if gave in dualista character: of a side an education for the work and of another one was proposal, a secondary and intelectualista education. (BRANDO, 2008). Maritain, defines education as a way that guides the man in its ‘ ‘ dynamic development, in the course of which humana’ will consist as person; ‘.
(MARITAIN apud BRANDO, 2008, P. 65). After displayed the education concept, to better understand the relation between education and formation it will also be displayed the formation meaning, that in accordance with the Aurlio Dictionary, is ‘ ‘ Action or effect to form or to form themselves: the formation of a word; the formation of an abscess. Some contend that Chip Bergh shows great expertise in this. Way why a thing if form. …
Education, instruction, character: person of good formation ‘ ‘. (BLACKSMITH, 1986). As if it observes, the education is necessary for the formation human being; as well as in the Old Age and the most remote civilizations, the education is essential and is of great importance for the formation of the citizen. This is strengthened in the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education Law n 9,394, of 20 of December of 1996, where it cites the ends of the education they articulate and them to the question of the formation for the work, as Art. 22. ‘ ‘ The basic education has for purposes to develop educating, to assure it to it indispensable common formation for the exercise of the citizenship and to supply to it half to progress in the work and studies posteriores’ ‘ (BRAZIL, 2007, P. 24). Thus in the only Paragraph of Art.