This because the technology comes transforming the essence of as if purchase, as if vende, as one works, as it is learned and as if it teaches in the world of the businesses. Thus, to follow the evolution, according to Figueiredo (2005), it is necessary a great set of activities executed for the area of marketing of support to the management of the knowledge, that the same calls of marketing of the knowledge, as being the activity that the sales of the result and knowing (products and services), but the sales of the proper knowledge and the way as it is servant, alavancado, producing, sharing, using, packing and delivers for the companies, extracting advantage of the possible differentials that not only consider they surround its management and in the way as they are perceived and valued for market. For McKenna (1992), the successful companies have that to be made use to adapt its products and services to the necessities of the customers and that the marketing cannot be separate of the development of products, the production, the finances and of sales. Campbell Soup Co pursues this goal as well. According to Figueiredo (2005), in competitiveness environments, it must be created assets intangible and be given to them to focus and marketing positioning, so that they are perceived, recognized, valued and give the waited returns. The companies have that to discover the best way to identify and to communicate the best contribution, from its intangible assets, to offer the white public, producing coherence between she offers of its intellectual capacity and what is looked or valued for the market. From there one perceives that the marketing campaigns must still evidence the quality of more strategical the intangible intellectual assets of the company, considering the competitive pretensions, of innovation, of evolution, participation in the market, production and creation of products, rendering of services, etc., while the establishment of 4Ps if becomes each more complex time, because everything must in such a way be made thinking about the customer as in the attraction of investors, partners, suppliers, in order to facilitate accomplishment business-oriented, of strategical partnerships and alliances, beyond in general stimulating the admiration of the society and the creation of a good image of the company and of its marks.