Skills Required By Translators And Interpreters

Skills needed a translator – interpreters Simultaneous translation is considered the most difficult kind of translation. Before you start learning this type of transfer, you must have a good base of common language skills and self-assured other types of translation, which are less complicated. Richard Linklater is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Ideally, the translator must have a simultaneous interpreter philological education and experience in active translation. His experience brings ever translators interpreters years, working with translation agencies. Description for a great interpretation has practical language skills, namely: oral communication skills, ability to perceive foreign speech comprehension, the ability to understand all the carriers foreign language. When comparing the written and oral interpreter, a translator for these skills are also important, but to a lesser extent.

At a translator, for example, there is no need to take it by ear, and not zhestkogg olimiita time, he can devote time to trying to find an unknown word dictionary or razyasnienie unfamiliar terms on the Internet. Simultaneous interpreter, on the contrary works in harsh environments and undergoes constant overload. There are a number of qualities that are critical for simultaneous pereovdchika – stress – the ability to disengage from the external (often disturbing) factors – the quick response – Excellent language skills – good delivery – physical health and stamina. In simultaneous interpretation can reveal two types: 1) Simultaneous translation into the native language 2) Simultaneous translation Predict the ratio of foreign language data types is difficult, even with the program. Translation specialists operating such a transfer is usually replace each other every 15 minutes, so you negotiate, someone will translate to the language, and who the language is also quite difficult. These two types of transfer require quite different skills from the interpreter simultaneous interpreter. When translating from a foreign language at home the most important yavlyaests catch the meaning, said the orator and his speech was translated into the native language.

When translating a foreign language is important to clear and correct pronunciation, correct intonation, meaningful pauses. Regardless of the speaker's speech rate interpreter should not be too hurry up and crumple words. People are able to vysprinimat information to a certain speed. Simultaneous translation is contraindicated stseialistam with a bad reaction, Low stress and pressure disturbances.