LITERATURE REVISION The Ludoteca is a prepared space to stimulate the child to play, inside of a playful environment, created with the objective to provide favorable conditions so that the children play, invents, expresses its fancies, its desires, its fears, feelings and develops its creativity. Pertaining to school Ludoteca is a place with playful material especially chemical preparation in accordance with the diverse phases of infantile development, with the objective of oportunizar the outcrop of multiple intelligences of the child and the enrichment of the social interactions. When offering a space child to try it and to choose the toy, any toy, any brinquedoteca or ludoteca stimulates the autonomy and develops the critical capacity. (N.H.S. Wedge, 1994). first experiences of ludoteca had occurred in Los Angeles-U.S.A., in 1934, with loan of toys the children who could not buy them. This service still is used and called Toy Loan. In Brazil, the first ludoteca was mounted by the APAE, in 1973, come back the carrying children of mental deficiency.
After this pioneering experience, the ludotecas had been multiplied in the country. Great part of them was implanted and is operated by entities of the civil society and schools. The words Ludoteca and Brinquedoteca can be considered sinnimas, even so the first one is on to the idea of library and according to of special place to play. The basic characteristics are the same ones, even so can have difference in its organization. The essential one is the objective to take care of the playful necessities of the child. The paper of the ludoteca in the education grew, and it is an agent of change of the educational point of view. Although the toy is considered the essence of infancy, the playful one must be contemplated in all the stages of the human, independent development of the chronological age.