In the same year, it had the Pact of Family, joining the Bourbon of France, Spain, Naples and Parma, that the tension between Portugal and Spain increased. The Colony was in Portuguese ownerships, and Spain invaded in 30 of October of 1762, returned in the following year, for the Treated one to Paris, coming back to invade in 30 of May of the 1777 and island of Santa Catarina in 3 of July. The pertaining territory to Spain to this of the river Uruguay arrived at the indefinite line of the Meridian of Tordesilhas, that in accordance with the Spanish opinion passed for the Canania island, but Portugal more pointed out it to the west of the river Uruguay, however the Treated one to Ildefonso Saint rescued Treat to Madrid, yielding the Colony of the Sacrament, the Territory of the Missions and part of the Rio Grande Do Sul the Spain and the island of Santa Catarina Portugal. In 19 of June of 1764, Jose Gervsio Artigas, third son of captain Martin Jose Artigas and Antnia Pascual was born in Montevidu, future politician, to militate and national hero of Uruguay. In 24 of June of 1784, son of the Manuel Spaniard woollen Perez Valleja and Ramona woollen Justina Tower, was born in Saint Luca, Juan Antonio woollen Lavalleja y Tower, leader future of the 33 orientals and president of Uruguay, in 1853. Four years later, in 23 of September of 1788, son of Portuguese 2 second lieutenant Joaquin Gonalves Da Silva and Perptua of the Meirelles Coast, in Triumph, in the Rio Grande Do Sul, were born Blessed Gonalves Da Silva, who would be one of the leaders of the Farroupilha Revolution with separatistas objectives, in the search of the independence of the province, of the Brazilian Empire. In 1800, Portugal gave beginning to the expansionista politics with populations throughout the border of the Rio Grande Do Sul, and the Eastern Missions had been divided by the rivers Ibicuy and Yaguarn and Mern lagoon. .