The Elaborated

Thus, the difficulties that some children face when entering the school can be seen as the confrontation enters the orders of significao, social relation and different values. According to Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985), when analyzing the characteristics of the familiar socialization, we can distinguish two different forms from use of the language, the public language (or restricted code) and the formal language (or elaborated code). With these two forms of use of the language if associate distinct ways, as much of perception as of relation with the people and objects. The public language makes use of a set of proper syntactic elements. The formal language, or elaborated code, in turn, makes use of a bigger set of elements syntactic, resulting in an elaborated grammatical construction.

To communicate itself, the individual that uses the formal language possesss ampler vocabulary, making possible a more complex organization to it to express its thoughts and, therefore, it tends to be longer, less objective. Moreover, the elaborated code accents I on we and encourages the verbal elaboration of the subjective intention. None of these codes is, necessarily, better of what the other. Each one possesss specific characteristics that join the falante to its context. However, the society can attribute different values to it. Still as Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985, P. 55), ' ' the code that the child brings for the school symbolizes its identity social' ' , and the differentiation in the communication (practical of a differentiated code) between the family and the school can generate a distanciamento between the primary socialization and the pertaining to school, has seen that each extract of the society creates its proper forms of communication and these are responsible for the transmission of the cultural characteristics of that group. Thus, if a child lives in a restricted environment that offers few intellectual stimulatons to it, if is limited only the people that are part of that context, its affective, intellectual actions and social they are guided by a form of created particular communication in this particular environment.