
The evaluation of the learning thematic is found in varied fields of studies, as in the field of psychology, sociology, the Pedagogia and the education among others. Antonio Nvoa in a preface in the workmanship of Fernandes (2005) says that nor a subject gave to as many studies and research, therefore the researchers and specialists look for to understand this reality more, elaborating sophisticated instruments. Some problems observed today in the schools as evasion, the reprovao, the desistance among others are resultant among others of the form as if it understands and it organizes education and the evaluation. The evaluation of the learning is a sufficiently complex question, having influences of the pedagogia, the didactics, psychology among others areas. Currently it has an evident concern in the works developed for the change necessity and in the improvements of the practical ones of evaluation of the learnings of the pupils. The form as the evaluation if organizes and if it develops in classroom reflects in the learning that if it develops of superficial form.

The used elements generally are used for attainment to guarantee notes that do not represent in the reality the true learning of these. As Luckesi (2006) while the evaluation of the learning will have as center the examinations, will not be able to fulfill with the function to subsidize the decision of the improvement of the learning. The brief quarrel and the reflection presented in this article approach the story of experience lived for the proper author of this text. This article can contribute thus waits it so that the evaluation in classroom can be thought and be argued of critical and reflexiva form. To remember to my experiences in relation the evaluation in the process of my learning is sufficiently traumatic, therefore always I was displayed and even though ridicularizada not by a professor, but by that they had been inesquecveis, being and clearly negative.

The Ludoteca

LITERATURE REVISION The Ludoteca is a prepared space to stimulate the child to play, inside of a playful environment, created with the objective to provide favorable conditions so that the children play, invents, expresses its fancies, its desires, its fears, feelings and develops its creativity. Pertaining to school Ludoteca is a place with playful material especially chemical preparation in accordance with the diverse phases of infantile development, with the objective of oportunizar the outcrop of multiple intelligences of the child and the enrichment of the social interactions. When offering a space child to try it and to choose the toy, any toy, any brinquedoteca or ludoteca stimulates the autonomy and develops the critical capacity. (N.H.S. Wedge, 1994). first experiences of ludoteca had occurred in Los Angeles-U.S.A., in 1934, with loan of toys the children who could not buy them. This service still is used and called Toy Loan. In Brazil, the first ludoteca was mounted by the APAE, in 1973, come back the carrying children of mental deficiency.

After this pioneering experience, the ludotecas had been multiplied in the country. Great part of them was implanted and is operated by entities of the civil society and schools. The words Ludoteca and Brinquedoteca can be considered sinnimas, even so the first one is on to the idea of library and according to of special place to play. The basic characteristics are the same ones, even so can have difference in its organization. The essential one is the objective to take care of the playful necessities of the child. The paper of the ludoteca in the education grew, and it is an agent of change of the educational point of view. Although the toy is considered the essence of infancy, the playful one must be contemplated in all the stages of the human, independent development of the chronological age.

Unit Evaluation

Thus being, having as references the quarrels that place the institucional evaluation in a vision prospectiva from the aluso of some theoreticians (LUCKESI, 1996, PERRENOUD, 1999, SOUSA, 1999, SOUZA, 2005, MORAES and HISS, 2007), this work was developed with citizens of a private school and a public school of the municipal net of education of the city of Itaberaba of the State of the Bahia, having been 1 operating in basic and average education and second only in basic education. The Pertaining to school Unit of the private net is located in the center of the city and its white public is composed in its majority for children and adolescents of middle class. Already the Pertaining to school Unit of the municipal public net is located in a suburban area and its white public is composed in its majority for children and adolescents of the next quarters most devoid to this school. The research was carried through from the analysis of questionnaires applied with involved people direct or indirectly with the institucional evaluation who occur inside of such schools. This instrument if showed adequate in virtue of that to be carried through research involved citizens with little availability of time to dedicate to this work. Thus, it was thought soon about a questionnaire with closed questions for spoon given objective more and only one opened question to understand the excellent actions that are taken by the school after the application of an evaluation instrument. In this research of field, it was had chance to get to seem of main involved in the avaliativo process of each pertaining to school environment professor, pupil, responsible for pupil and director totalizing eight citizens, what it made possible to make a comparison enters the theories of the institucional evaluation and the practical one that really is accomplished, being possible then to verify if this evaluation is really occurring.

The Child

These are elaborated elements that will provide to experiences, making possible the conquest and the formation of its identity. As we can perceive, the toys and the tricks are inexhaustible sources of playful and affective interaction. For an efficient learning she is necessary that the pupil constructs the knowledge, assimilates the contents. the game is an excellent resource to facilitate learning, in this direction, Oak (1992 P. 28) affirms that: ' ' … the absorbed education in playful way, starts to acquire a significant and affective aspect in the course of the development of the intelligence of the child, since it purely modifies of transmitting act the transforming act in ludicidade, being denoted itself, therefore in jogo' '. Read more here: FireEye. The actions with the game must be created and recriadas, so that they are always a new discovery and they are always changedded into a new game, in a new form to play. Bank of Asia Chad Holm addresses the importance of the matter here.

When the child plays, without knowing supplies some information to its respect, however, playing can be useful to stimulate its integral development, as much in the familiar environment, how much in the pertaining to school environment. She is playing that the child learns to respect rules, to extend its social relationship and to exactly respect itself and to the other. By means of the playful universe that the child starts to express itself with bigger easiness, to hear, to respect and to disagree with opinions, being exerted its leadership, and being led and sharing its joy to play. On the other hand, in a serious environment and without motivations, the educandos finish preventing to express its thoughts and feelings and to carry through any another attitude from fear to be constrangidos. Zanluchi (2005, P. 91) affirms that ' ' The child plays of what she lives; she extracts its playful imagination of its day-the-dia' ' , therefore, the children, having the chance to play, more will be prepared emotionally to inside control its attitudes and emotions of the social context, thus getting better resulted general in uncurling of its life.

The Child

These are elaborated elements that will provide to experiences, making possible the conquest and the formation of its identity. As we can perceive, the toys and the tricks are inexhaustible sources of playful and affective interaction. For an efficient learning she is necessary that the pupil constructs the knowledge, assimilates the contents. the game is an excellent resource to facilitate learning, in this direction, Oak (1992 P. 28) affirms that: ' ' … the absorbed education in playful way, starts to acquire a significant and affective aspect in the course of the development of the intelligence of the child, since it purely modifies of transmitting act the transforming act in ludicidade, being denoted itself, therefore in jogo' '. Read more here: FireEye. The actions with the game must be created and recriadas, so that they are always a new discovery and they are always changedded into a new game, in a new form to play. Bank of Asia Chad Holm addresses the importance of the matter here.

When the child plays, without knowing supplies some information to its respect, however, playing can be useful to stimulate its integral development, as much in the familiar environment, how much in the pertaining to school environment. She is playing that the child learns to respect rules, to extend its social relationship and to exactly respect itself and to the other. By means of the playful universe that the child starts to express itself with bigger easiness, to hear, to respect and to disagree with opinions, being exerted its leadership, and being led and sharing its joy to play. On the other hand, in a serious environment and without motivations, the educandos finish preventing to express its thoughts and feelings and to carry through any another attitude from fear to be constrangidos. Zanluchi (2005, P. 91) affirms that ' ' The child plays of what she lives; she extracts its playful imagination of its day-the-dia' ' , therefore, the children, having the chance to play, more will be prepared emotionally to inside control its attitudes and emotions of the social context, thus getting better resulted general in uncurling of its life.

The Normative Grammar

One of the doubts most frequent in relation to the education of Portuguese Language if relates to the grammar education, if we must teach it or not in the school, or still so that and as to teach it. First we must differentiate that language is not the same thing that grammatical. Many believe that to know a language it is equivalent its grammar namely or to know the grammar of a language is equivalent to dominate this language total. Campbell Soup Company is open to suggestions. In accordance with Antunes (2007, p.39) He is what one shows, for example, in speaks of the people when they say that somebody does not know to speak. In the truth, these people are wanting to say that this somebody, does not know in accordance with to say the grammar of the supposed cultured norm. We know that the language is one directed social and interactive activity for the communication. It is evident that it needs other components beyond the grammar, the language is a complex activity, and a set of subsystems that if integrate. The grammar limits only one of the components of the language.

In agreement still with Antunes (2007, p.41) It is not enough, therefore, to know the specific rules of the grammar, of the different classrooms of words, its flexes, its possible combinations, the order of its rank in the phrases among others. Everything this is necessary, but it is not the sufficient. The Normative Grammar was placed as the center of what it is necessary for an efficient communication. In such a way we notice the setting in the grammar study, as if it was enough for the adequate use of language. As already it was mentioned has different types of grammar, even so many believe that only one grammar exists stops the language all. We know that the language it is a sociointeracionista activity, is necessary to adjust it for each type of speech.


– Education a lot of condensation. Typically, a large amount of condensate formed at low Flue gas temperature (below the dew point), which is associated with poorly insulated chimney. Often drain the condensate is due to improper design or lack of chimney flue in the construction of special element – kondensatootvoda. Chimney maintenance chimney system to work correctly, it is necessary to properly care for the pipes. Even if you have no problems working on the chimney twice a year, it is necessary to conduct of prevention inspection system, checking the tightness of the brickwork joints or connections of modular components. Do it best before and after the heating season. If the system does not always heat thoroughly, then after long periods of inactivity before to make a fire, make sure the flue is not blocked by soot, bird nests, etc. Also twice a year, need-Dimo clean interior surface of pipes with soot.

This is dictated not only by measures of fire no-risk, but the fact that when a layer of soot over a thickness of 1 cm, traction is reduced, which inevitably leads to fuel consumption. Steel pipes are less prone to the accumulation of soot, so they sometimes you can do one cleaning per year. Prochisku pipes is carried out with a metal brush on a long flexible handle. In some module-GOVERNMENTAL chimney has a special hatch that will facilitate the cleansing of the hard and flat sites located chimney. If you notice that the soot is formed too rapidly, it is said that in the chimney there are any defects or mistakes were made during installation. Derive through the chimney krovlyu.Chasto choice in deciding whether the withdrawal chimney through the wall or roof – choose the output through a wall because of a problem sealing the roof, thereby worsening thirst, complicated process of cleaning the chimney of the future, and external appearance chimney is not always pleasing to the eye. Sealing joints chimney-top.

Measure the exact angle of the roof. For stainless steel sheet 500 x 600 mm with an elliptical hole in the center of the weld seam continuous external piping under appropriate angle of the roof. When mounting this unit, as part of the chimney, is inserted into the hole, split in the roof, and a sheet ‘to overlap’ put another sheet, which in turn is brought under the roof ridge. Sheets fasten to sheathing with screws through the existing roof. If the roof is made of smooth iron, then razdelyvaya hole, the edges should be flanged outward at 10-20 mm. If made of corrugated iron, the flange is not required. You can also use the standard transition through the roof, which is designed for the roof angle 35 – 55o. Cutting installed on top of the chimney flue that passes through the roof. Tilt carried out by the cone of the tube. Tightness in the place of joining and cutting roof chimney pipe is achieved by an adjustable apron. To conclude our discussion of the chimney, I must say that properly selected and mounted chimney, will serve you for many years, and economical use of your fuel and give you a warm and uyut.

Jean Marc Itard

Initially a first phase, marked for the recklessness is evidenced, in the age daily pay-Christian, where it had a total absence of attendance. The deficient ones were abandoned, pursued or eliminated had to its atypical conditions, and the society legitimized these actions as being normal. In the Christian age, according to Pessotti (1984), the treatment according to varied conceptions of predominant charity or punishment in the community where the deficient one was inserted. In one another period of training, in centuries XVIII and middle of century XIX, meets it institutionalization phase, where the individuals that presented deficiency was segregated and protected in residential institutions. The third period of training is marked, no longer final of century XIX and middle of century XX, for the development of special schools and/or classrooms in public schools, aiming at to offer to the deficient person an education to the part. In the room period of training, in the end of century XX, for return of the decade of 70, a movement of social integration of the individuals is observed that presented deficiency, whose objective age to integrate them in pertaining to school environments, next possible to those offered the normal person.

We can say that the integration phase was based on the fact of that the child would have to be educated until the limit of its capacity. In accordance with Mendes (1995), the defense of the limitless possibilities of the individual and the belief of that the education could make a significant difference in the development and the life of the people subsequent to appear in the philosophical movement the French Revolution. Of this moment in ahead the concept of educabilidade of the potential of the human being it passed also to be applied to the education of the people who presented mental deficiency. At the beginning of century XIX, the doctor Jean Marc Itard (1774-1838) developed the first attempts to educate a child with twelve years of age, Vitor call, more known as ' ' Savage of Aveyron' '.

In Freire

For this it is necessary that it has: ' ' autenticidade' ' , ' ' I appraise to aprendiz' ' ' ' understanding emptica' '. The professor in its profession must have as main goal, the learning of the pupil and so that this happens is necessary that the pupil has will to learn, intellectual capacity, but also, knowledge and capacity to transmit contents, on the part of the educator. Also the support of the parents in the activities is necessary extraclassroom and others. Checking article sources yields cyrus massoumi wife as a relevant resource throughout. The great incentivador in the efetivao of the knowledge is the affectivity. ' ' Freire (2004, p.87) ' ' the necessary educator to cultivate in educating the pleasure for the learning, stimulating it so that if he acquires knowledge concerning its potentiality and power of transformao.' ' Therefore, the educator is, among others points, that one that helps educating to discover its ideal and to prevent the risks of alienao' '. The relations human beings, even so if show complex, them they are basic parts in the mannering and professional accomplishment of an individual.

In this way, the analysis of the friendship that joins interest and intentions, being this interaction the exponent of the consequences, therefore the education is one of the sources most important of the mannering development and aggregation of values in the members of the species human being. To become salient that not similar situations, adopted with one determined pupil, norteadoras for the factor friendship or not condiz empatia with the attitudes of an educator, seen to be this formador of opinions. ' ' In Freire synthesis (1996, P. 159-160) it says: ' ' I cannot condition the evaluation of the pertaining to school work of a pupil the greater or minor to want well it has to want that it that it has for ele' '. On the opinion of Masetto (1996 p.15), the success (or not) of the learning is based on the existing affection between pupils professors, pupils and pupils and professors and professors.

In Freire

For this it is necessary that it has: ' ' autenticidade' ' , ' ' I appraise to aprendiz' ' ' ' understanding emptica' '. The professor in its profession must have as main goal, the learning of the pupil and so that this happens is necessary that the pupil has will to learn, intellectual capacity, but also, knowledge and capacity to transmit contents, on the part of the educator. Also the support of the parents in the activities is necessary extraclassroom and others. Checking article sources yields cyrus massoumi wife as a relevant resource throughout. The great incentivador in the efetivao of the knowledge is the affectivity. ' ' Freire (2004, p.87) ' ' the necessary educator to cultivate in educating the pleasure for the learning, stimulating it so that if he acquires knowledge concerning its potentiality and power of transformao.' ' Therefore, the educator is, among others points, that one that helps educating to discover its ideal and to prevent the risks of alienao' '. The relations human beings, even so if show complex, them they are basic parts in the mannering and professional accomplishment of an individual.

In this way, the analysis of the friendship that joins interest and intentions, being this interaction the exponent of the consequences, therefore the education is one of the sources most important of the mannering development and aggregation of values in the members of the species human being. To become salient that not similar situations, adopted with one determined pupil, norteadoras for the factor friendship or not condiz empatia with the attitudes of an educator, seen to be this formador of opinions. ' ' In Freire synthesis (1996, P. 159-160) it says: ' ' I cannot condition the evaluation of the pertaining to school work of a pupil the greater or minor to want well it has to want that it that it has for ele' '. On the opinion of Masetto (1996 p.15), the success (or not) of the learning is based on the existing affection between pupils professors, pupils and pupils and professors and professors.