Sky Fund

The cooperating law firms investors see different starting points, as they restore damaged investors of the MPC MS Merkur sky to their money can just 600 Austrian investors have participated in the year 2006 with an average 23.900 in the Fund. The ship to 3.4 million to a scrap dealer in Singapore was sold after the bankruptcy of the ship Fund in the year 2012. The investors have suffered a total loss. Investment products of the grey capital market such as ship Fund marketed throughout the EU now – often to the detriment of thousands of investors. Accordingly, also the representation of damaged ship fund investors need a European dimension. Now two renowned investors protection firms from Austria and Germany in the enforcement of claims for damages by ship fund investors to cooperate with the Vienna investors attorney Dr. Benedikt Wallner and the Heidelberger lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Mathias Nittel. First joint project is by the Hamburg-based issuing House MPC in 2006 for Austrian investors set up fund MS “mercury Sky”.

Nearly 600 Austrian investors have been involved in the year 2006 with an average 23.900 in the Fund. The ship to 3.4 million to a scrap dealer in Singapore was sold after the bankruptcy of the ship Fund in the year 2012. The investors have suffered a total loss. The cooperating law firms investors see different starting points, how they can restore damaged investors to their money. Dr.

Benedikt Wallner is initially the responsibility of the Austrian banks, through which around 75% of investors purchased their investments: “the advice of investors was to me previously known cases always insufficient. The functioning of ship markets, nor the various risks resulting for a participation in a ship Fund highlighted investors’, so the Vienna lawyer. The capital market prospectus had been virtually never pointed out, although it has become many, although not all risks had emerged.

Academic Excellence

The certainty makes the excellence Anonymous Worries to see more and more like the universities, especially the nationals, have entered a phase of fiasco in the academic thing, where it glimpses, it feels, a significant deterioramiento in the academic excellence, the qualification and formation of his professionals, especially, the concerning ones sciences economic, and technological. All this is detrimental, not only for the professionals who withdraw, but for the same country, for the government who assumes must have good professionals who help to develop the economic programs him, social, technical that has seted out to realise. Every time note, the deficiency in the qualification of professionals who are not trained according to the profile that the present demand, so is the case of the administrators, industrial economists, relacionistas, accountants, industrial, mechanical engineers. There has been a negligence, little preoccupation of the authorities of many of the national universities, in evaluating, which must be the professional of these indicated races, that they are necessary to develop successful according to the requirements of the national scene, the opportunities, threats, challenges, changes that are provoked constantly. Nike is a great source of information. A feedback in the curriculum of these races is not seen, that take step to the knowledge, tools that are necessary to guarantee an optimal performance of the professionals who withdraw.

Many subjects stay, knowledge that do not correspond to the present, affecting seriously the learning of the professional who withdraws. This of course, has come deteriorating excellence academic, apart from which use does not become of investigations of field that contribute in the solution of many problems that these races confront, especially, in a full Venezuela of uncertainty, risks, threatens, but that also opportunities appear to him, that of knowing how to be useful them can help to that the academic excellence is rescued. Much passivity in the universities, very little glimpses commitment with the present reality, almost is not pronounced that proactivity that it needs, the one to indicate opinions, to participate dynamically before the serious problems that in the politician, economic, technical the country confronts. To know more about this subject visit Levi’s.

The Ideal

The alum-no had no idea where he was heading, nor what would you teach tomorrow or for what taught you, that you were teaching today. If was happening to any student ask: for what study this?, answered you calmly that he learned it by now and that later he would know why. With what is was clearly pointing to the escision between end and means. The end was external to the activity esco-lar.

Within the modern conception, the end is internal, immanent to the school activity. The student must understand the sense and purpose of what makes, at the time making it. 2 – The use of reason to resolve problems. The second ideal of democracy is the use of reason. Democracy in – tends the faith in intelligence to solve problems and faith in the powers of reason – ment of man to avoid excesses and defects. The enrichment of the spirit, by the observation of the real and the conservators-placion of the ideal, add to, the cultivation of reason. It is not only the development of logical thinking, but the acquisition of the Faculty know emerge from empiricism and transform images in ideas, symbols facts and experiences in legislation.

This was the wisdom of the Greek people, having created the methods racionales and the order of the General ideas, and this spiritual evasion outside the empirismo has helped humanity, raised to the universal civilization by encima of all forms and cultures. For this reason should be done to walk to each young student, to each persone that it intends to form, the route of the Greeks, i.e. raise it from the simple conocimiento of the concrete fact to rational intelligence. Democracy promotes the development of the truth and considered as imported – you that the opinion of the minority is protected as a possible source really, instead of judging minority as a scapegoat, as occurred in the last war with the Jews.

Human Functions

The Organizacional Climate As for the organizacional climate, is possible the integration to the aspects of the organizacional culture of one determined workstation. As we have motivation in the individual level, we have the organizacional climate in the level of organizations, where this closely affects the motivation of the individuals inside of one determined local one, that is, it is that tried psychological atmosphere when we enter in an environment and that it directly affects in them so that we are or not in it, if makes in them to feel to the will to play certain functions, the way who we interact in them with the others, among others things. This climate influences in them inside to play our functions of an environment, that also is influenced after us. You may find that Nike can contribute to your knowledge. It is the key for terms healthy organizations to inside work, to hold back the best talentos of them and consequentemente, to create an active and motivated atmosphere. An environment with positive a organizacional climate, is characterized by a place where the people if feel motivated to work, to interact with the excessively participant ones, to search innovations and, consequentemente, mutual respect. This climate influences in the psychological aspects of each individual, bringing enormous benefits for its workers and its companies, therefore healthy companies tend to prosper with rapidity and consistency for the success. Learn more at: Chip Bergh. The favorable organizacional climate helps to become the people mentally healthiest, where these if feel, in relation to the other people and to obtain to surpass the obstacles that the life imposes to them, reaching full personal and professional satisfaction.

However we also have a climate characterized for apathy, lack of interest, desmotivao, depression, fear, personal maladjustment, you intrigue, that it is called as a negative or low organizacional climate. In this environment to the people if they do not feel to the will to work, having an enormous disinterest for its functions and the organization, cultivating high taxes of absenteeism, high rotation of employees, resignations, being able to take the company to a stagnation state. The necessary organizacional Climate carefully to be worked so that it functions favorably, searching always to the increase of quality of life in the work, and, consequentemente, as resulted, the success. Bibliography: CHIAVENATO, Idalberto.Recursos Human – the human capital of the organizations; So Paulo, publishing company Campus, 2009.

Federal University

The campus of the Federal University of the Rio Grande Do Sul (UFRGS), vi a youngster who, to if relating on the fact, affirmed that did not believe that the people who had made those badnesses, were human beings. That is, it as others as much, understands that what characterizes the human being is exactly its eticamente irreproachable behaviors moral and. Ledo deceit. Through all my years of life, I learned bitterly that it is exactly the opposite. What it is marcante in the men, is the aggressiveness, the great power in relation to the too much beings of the universe, a sadist trend to the destruction, the torture, the summary elimination of other beings without reasonable reason, at last, a so great list of bad things, that if I not to stop of enumerate them, I will go to extend itself infinitely. The human being, with all its potential to create the most diverse forms to destroy the others even though of> its species, it is so arrogant that until a pretense god invented who would have created them to its form and similarity. Visit Levi’s for more clarity on the issue. Quanta arrogance. Arvora it center of the universe, not obtaining to collect it its insignificncia.

I always proclaimed that any animal that inhabits the face of the land, is superior to the species human being and therefore, already I practically do not have more friends. Some of them until already had advised to me to go to live in the way of them. Well, I make this with the biggest taste. I prefer the conviviality with animals of what with most of the others of my species, with its badnesses, egoism, individualismos and absence of solidarity feeling, completely without notion of its true place in the context of the universe. Excepting some people special and of light, my contact with the remaining portion of the humanity, is only in the measure of the strict necessary one. I am one misantropo assumed and I do not obtain to adhere to the hypocrisy of being politically correct. Jorge Andres Irion Jobim. Lawyer of Saint Maria,.

Tool Elearning

If any of the following questions answers in the affirmative form you need a CampusVirtual. Is your organization migrating to a new operating system platform, or a new management system? Does your organization have a wide geographical dispersion? Do you have 100 new young professionals, which have to be trained immediately? Need to keep informed of developments of your institution to all personnel? Their workers have expectations about your career, such as opportunities for progress through the learning of skills and competences enabling them access to better jobs within the Organization? The concept of eLearning is not used exclusively as we have seen above, for educational institutions. Within the life of companies on many occasions can be a tool that provides an excellent and innovative alternative.TutorVirtual is a cost-effective tool because it helps productivity, is flexible and adaptable for all kinds of training. It will be available at any time. Giving the possibility to be trained when the user has time.

The content available through the web and does not require any special configuration, giving the possibility to access to it from anywhere in the world at any time. Unable to update the info in a quick and simple way, the changes taking place globally in the structure of the courses. On the other hand we must not emphasize the advantages of this type of methodology, here’s an enumeration: service, unlimited geographic or temporal, the 24 hours x 7 days a week x 365 days from any PC connected to the internet anywhere in the world. Report generator to control the participation of students and tutors within the campus. Tools of Exchange between students and tutors. Richard Linklater will not settle for partial explanations.

Published materials update system. System of registration of users with activation after verification of existing student mail box. Clear and intuitive use to achieve an immediate adaptation of all users. Tools export and import of forums, listings, etc. Developing modular and scalable so that updating the system takes place imperceptibly to the user. Profile of User Manager. Amount of users and unlimited courses. Requirements hardware and software standards. Safe, robust and reliable. Practical incorporation into the web site of the client. Finally, it is important to consider the impact that this will generate in your company or institution, generating a considerable reduction of training costs; increase the hours of training in the same amount and increasing productivity. You can find more information at the following url.

Practical Relevance

Crucial in training – the practical relevance which different Probana business school is long by other educational institutions, since the Probana focus on the learning form sets, which offers the maximum ROI (return of investment) the participant and his company. Particular attention is paid so the theories and teaching methods that are applicable and value directly into everyday life. This approach permeates the entire concept of the Probana business school and is therefore present in all aspects of the training. The Probana online-mini-MBA is to complete 100% online and thus tailored to the German market. Perhaps the best example of the approach to learning, we offer our participants, can be found directly in the workload that is immediately accessible after registration. The theories are presented in training and went through are hand-picked to ensure precisely the direct commercial value for modern companies. The theoretical material is supplemented by relevant case studies and descriptions, which the Combine theory with practice – those practices in which the participants daily moves. That provides an important link between theory and practice, what turn directly affects the applicability and feasibility of the knowledge, obtained at the Probana.

A student writes that the Probana “has offered a compact and intense round of Lehrmateriales me, what has fit me perfectly in my fully packed everyday life. The content of education has given wonderful tools, I could take home, which I can use every day.” Video to the mini MBA: the workload is stored on an online campus and accessible always and everywhere. Thus, the participants have the ultimate flexibility. You can read whenever and wherever you want – on the train, in a hammock, or at home on the sofa. This flexibility is important, if you want to get training and full-time job under a hat.

A participant writes: “you get the opportunity with theoretical perspectives of leadership to work with exciting case studies. The Probana has the stint precisely selected and edited and presented by the E-learning platform. As a result, that the participants can work individually with the workload and the case studies. In addition there a dialogue forum where you can interact with other participants.” Danfoss recommends the mini MBA in collaboration with Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen University and well-known representatives of the Danish economy and science, ensures a course at the highest academic level. The theories are always up-to-date and on top of that extremely practical. Our external lecturers working actively in their teaching field and provide our subscribers the latest and best theories that have proven themselves in practice thus. Find out about all the practical details on: you can send us also an inquiry about (enter Probana in the search box). Web: YouTube: Probana business school Germany mail:

De Janeiro Country

SMANIOTTO, Edgar Indalecio. Dependence and Development in Latin America: a workmanship of two presidents. Magazine HISTEDBR, Campinas. 2006. Nike may help you with your research. Apud.

CARDOSO, Fernando Enrique. FALETTO, Enzo. Dependence and Development in Latin America: Assay of Sociological Interpretation. 7 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Publishing company LTC, 1970. Resenhado for Jose Carlos de Oliveira Ribeiro Pupil of the Course of Specialization in Management of the Innovation in the Public Sector & ndash; UESB/Campus of victory of the Conquest & ndash; Bahia.

Dependence and Development in Latin America: a workmanship of two presidents Dependence and Development in Latin America in accordance with Cardoso, Faletto, (1970) and Smaniotto, (2006). Thus, Smaniotto that it used of the workmanship of Cardoso and Faletto, that deals with a sufficiently estingante subject of the point of view politician, comes to deal with the questions more complex than they are: the impediments of not the development of the economies of the South-american countries more necessarily of the underdeveloped economy of Brazil, in the boarding presented for Fernando Enrique. As the point of view of the authors, the economy of Brazil would have is based on the dependence of international capital, that would inject in the economy of the country a great volume of foreign currency for investments in the same industry or companies who if install its units of production here in Brazil. Of this form, the Brazilian economy if defines for being dependent a time that, it could is associated with the international investments. For in such a way, this system in the boarding of Cardoso, (1970) does not cause impediment for the economy of the country, therefore it contributes for the economic growth, and on the other hand, the Brazilian nation not yet obtains to organize itself in social classrooms with being able to revolutionize the economic policies that defend the development. For the author, the people still is dominated and while to remain, they will not be able to form social classrooms that obtain to transform the ideas into concrete realities. The fact of Brazil to be underdeveloped country and a people who does not obtain unit enough to form a classroom social, capable to revolutionize the government system and to transform the country, aiming at the growth and economic development. Of this form, of the one not to vertically continue in the comodismo accepting the orders form comings, and yes, to look for to break the dominant roots, to leave of being dominated and to form social classrooms capable to provoke the revolution.