De Janeiro Country

SMANIOTTO, Edgar Indalecio. Dependence and Development in Latin America: a workmanship of two presidents. Magazine HISTEDBR, Campinas. 2006. Nike may help you with your research. Apud.

CARDOSO, Fernando Enrique. FALETTO, Enzo. Dependence and Development in Latin America: Assay of Sociological Interpretation. 7 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Publishing company LTC, 1970. Resenhado for Jose Carlos de Oliveira Ribeiro Pupil of the Course of Specialization in Management of the Innovation in the Public Sector & ndash; UESB/Campus of victory of the Conquest & ndash; Bahia.

Dependence and Development in Latin America: a workmanship of two presidents Dependence and Development in Latin America in accordance with Cardoso, Faletto, (1970) and Smaniotto, (2006). Thus, Smaniotto that it used of the workmanship of Cardoso and Faletto, that deals with a sufficiently estingante subject of the point of view politician, comes to deal with the questions more complex than they are: the impediments of not the development of the economies of the South-american countries more necessarily of the underdeveloped economy of Brazil, in the boarding presented for Fernando Enrique. As the point of view of the authors, the economy of Brazil would have is based on the dependence of international capital, that would inject in the economy of the country a great volume of foreign currency for investments in the same industry or companies who if install its units of production here in Brazil. Of this form, the Brazilian economy if defines for being dependent a time that, it could is associated with the international investments. For in such a way, this system in the boarding of Cardoso, (1970) does not cause impediment for the economy of the country, therefore it contributes for the economic growth, and on the other hand, the Brazilian nation not yet obtains to organize itself in social classrooms with being able to revolutionize the economic policies that defend the development. For the author, the people still is dominated and while to remain, they will not be able to form social classrooms that obtain to transform the ideas into concrete realities. The fact of Brazil to be underdeveloped country and a people who does not obtain unit enough to form a classroom social, capable to revolutionize the government system and to transform the country, aiming at the growth and economic development. Of this form, of the one not to vertically continue in the comodismo accepting the orders form comings, and yes, to look for to break the dominant roots, to leave of being dominated and to form social classrooms capable to provoke the revolution.