Below The Widower Of The Dictatorship

The country lives the full democracy, with the freedom at certain moments being led to the nonsense. But, happy we are with it, and unfortunate person without it we will come back to be, if to allow the freedom of some saudosos to believe that the finger in you laughed and the figurehead still causes some fear or distrust of that let us make what the decency and the good character allow in them. The military dictatorship already has times mofa in the trunk of history. However, the bad one I smell that it exhaled since its beginning in the blow of the milicos, in 1964, still entorpece some illing-inform. They do not know that it finished? already it has some years? the double order of ' ' I arrest and arrebento' '. Cause loathing to see that some were not aperceberam of the reality. Sad they, and happy we.

We know and we like to face of clean face the flavor of the new times. Without the past is not we shameful or motivador of inferiority feelings. We are not in search to rescue a pretense respect, because this never existed. Fear and respect are very distinct feelings. Not they are collated and nor of far they can be compared.

It is respected man, the correct, conscientious citizen of its function inside of the society. It is feared crossbow-fera that if makes noticed for the truculenta presence, treats to all with carrancudo and threatening air. In these the humanity presence is something impossible to notice, and the animalescos gestures perhaps, in the horrible gone times (and that they do not come back more), they were something astonished that them in done not less nojentos and disgusting that had marked the age of gold of the dictators. To arrest, to torture, to point, to aim and fire. To kill. It is a sad event that for the smallness of practised who them only has that to be fixed in the rich wall of national history as a very small reminder of people of the same so great of this tragic episode, whom they had been the destined years ' ' aquartelar' ' all a Nation. They had lost and the signal is opened for us that we are grateful to the taste of the democracy. Flavor that compels in them to the moral and historical duty to reject, furious, all and any indication of that in the seio of the free Native land rasteiros thoughts are cravados, desirous of impelling in them to silence, in them to steal the capacity to act freely, to think and if to express. We are children of the dictatorship. we are not unhappy for having fought for the democratic freedom. It is the legacy to our children, now children of the democracy. is very good thus for continuing and for walking of this form for the eternity of the coming generations.

Paolo Rossi

The air-tight studies if base on the private and inicitico character of science, in mentioned search of the golden and originary lost wisdom in the darknesses of a distant past. In this prism, the vision of world and history is understood by the unit and continuity in the conception of mago. In this form to conceive the world and the man, the occult truth is only destined for few elect ones to the sacred mysteries. Of this form, the direct communication between master and disciple mark the magician-air-tight tradition and obscure and enigmatic its faceta. The trend the spoon the unit that? in the deep one? it is underlying ace differences, the conciliation of the distinctions in ampler unit, the final pacification in the Um-Todo: these are some between the basic characteristics of the vision magician-renascentista of the world.

Each object of the world is repleto of occult simpatias bind that it to All: the substance is impregnated of the holy ghost; the stars are living animals the holy ghosts; world is the image of God; the man is the image of the world. Mago is that one that it knows to penetrate inside of this infinitely complex reality. As we saw, with the analysis of Paolo Rossi, all this air-tight picture and spiritual will be refused gradually by new science, in way that knowing will be dealt with contrary form: he is something that must be public and legible for all. The man moved with the magnifying of practical air-tight and the emergency of the modern rationality, by means of a transposition of the man of the social and mental pictures of medievo. That is, the human being was not plus a mere contemplador spectator/of the divine wonders; the man became ‘ the operator’, that he searched to extract forces of the divine and natural order. It was thanks to the magic and the cabala that the man learned to be ‘ the operator’.

Konstantin Feoktstov

In 5 of May it only is that the North Americans had launched Alan Shepard, its first man to the space, on board the Mercury-1 ship and, still thus, in a flight of but 15 minutes of duration, therefore the small used Redstone rocket did not have power to stimulate the ship the altitudes biggest, in order to keep it in orbit (SHEPARD & SLAYTON, 1994). Although this shy space flight and of little duration president John F. Kennedy was livened up in such way that days later one of its more famous speeches pronounced, affirming that he was imperious that the United States if became the first nation to place men in the Moon and promising that before the end of the decade of 1960 they would obtain such fact. It was, in such a way, initiated the race to the Moon between United States and Soviet Union (GAVIN, 2008). . Few months later went up to the space Soviet cosmonaut Gherman Titov, who became the first man to more than remain 24 hours in the space (and also the first one to sleep in the space). In 1962, where the Americans had obtained to place its first man in orbit, the Russians had year launched to the space the ships Vostok-3 and 4, respectively with Adrian Nikolayev and Pavel Popovich on board.

These had been the first ones manned ships to carry through simultaneous flights in the space, fact also ovacionado by the world-wide press. In 1963 it only is that an American, the astronaut Gordon Cooper, for more than remained 24 hours in the space, on board its Mercury-9 ship. In the same year the Soviet Union sent Valentina Tereshkova on board the Vostok-6 ship, becoming it first woman to travel to the space (SPACEFACTS, 2010). During all the year of 1964 the only manned ship to fly was the Voskhod-1 Soviet with Vladimir Komarov, Boris Iegorov and Konstantin Feoktstov on board, being this first espaonave to lead three men to the space.

Michael Nostradamus

Being Nostradamus, consciousness is aware of Michael's first manifestation of a special love for himself – "Earth" which was so named Michael after the death of Nostradamus, and that the soul of Michael was able to learn as a new, yet Unknown to them the kind of love. Nostradamus, finds the extraordinary manifestations of love, shows her family and friends, what should be a true love, and through this he sees in his eyes is the transformation of people close to him, as is their gradual healing of the "virus of Darkness." So unexpectedly in the role of Michael Nostradamus opened the second vaccine against the virus of Darkness ", which became known as" Earth's love. " "Earthly Love" – a feeling that comes from a man on the background of purifying the consciousness of the "virus of Darkness", when the vibratory formula of consciousness under the influence of the resonance of the energy of love undergoes a very significant and persistent changes that result in consciousness to the absolute stability against the virus of Darkness. /a>, another great source of information. " It turned out that "earthly love" is born in human mind under the influence of people who either already have this love, or who seek to possess it. It can also arise independently in the minds of people who together have known sorrow and suffering, in result, they realized such a thing as "close friends". Michael knew that most likely even before some of his men had "earthly" love. But many of them have failed to grasp the full benefits of such love, its true power, but have not been able to develop it with other people. . .

Lion Heart

Michael, realizing the benefits of such proposals within the plan of the Queen of Heaven (Mary), has agreed to the proposal of Satan, but under one condition: that Satan has was placed under Michael Israel, who by that time no longer belonged to Adam and was placed at the disposal of the church in Thyatira (Islam). Satan without hesitation agreed. Nimrod strongly opposed to such solution, but to influence the decision of Satan could not. Thus began the history of the Crusades for the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher, as Michael appeared again among the people, and this time brought before the people as King Richard – , giving all his efforts and those of people under him to the conquest of Jerusalem. Archangel church in Thyatira (Islam), understanding the concept of Michael, at the beginning of the Crusades almost without a fight gives Jerusalem. After the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders Satan, as promised, do not let the ruling in it Michael. The State of Israel and especially Jerusalem, Michael was going to make the center for the rehabilitation of human souls, in the past stages of purification and the embodiment of people who came to Jerusalem after their souls have experienced pain and suffering in the kingdom of Satan and Nimrod. The men who are more able to recover from the "virus of Darkness", as envisioned by Michael must were to start building a "second Rome", which was a rather long time to become a center for rehabilitation of human souls on Earth. .


Amanhecendo the day the troop was for the area high tech and conciliated an agreement that could come only 4529 robots of its troop. Bryan perceived that it would be difficult to obtain to win Fster. But unhappyly Fster finished knowing it Bryan attack intended to make, then it already was if preparing. After 4 months and 350 a thousand kilometers walked Bryan and its troop had arrived the area of the infernais knights they had had the advice with the knights they knew that they would be difficult to convince and had shown to the idea of them that all only were if defending of Fster, then the valeiros had sent only 2990 of its better warriors, then Bryan left the area of the knights called ' ' esperana' ' the world all already wise person of this, that would happen a war could finish with the chaos in the world or to finish with 2 last hope messes they had arrived close to ' ' the gate of hell' ' then Bryan with its troop with 10.103 ready men to die or to win it then spoke: – we are pertos of the victory or of the death then he thinks thus, if we die, all we go to remember that we die with honrra and we know that who enters in the war is pra to die and the others four areas are trust us, therefore we are called ' ' esperana' ' tomorrow we will invade ' ' the gate of hell' ' , good night men. Of Fster dawn she was not with its prepared troop, therefore it thought that they would go to attack of day to fight, Bryan and its troop was machando in direction ' ' the gate of hell' ' it was the great day Bryan arrived until the door of the city entered already destroying, setting on fire everything then the alarm touched informing that ' ' the gate of hell' ' she was being invaded, the troop of Fster if she congregated when Bryan perceived that it was the triple of its troop, who would go to it to massacre, but Bryan looked at stops backwards and saw that thousands and thousands of men of the four areas of the land were come to help Bryan, then Bryan cried out ' ' hora&#039 arrived; ' , Foster of its distant base of where the conflict would happen laughed, but when it saw to another part of the troop of Bryan, it stopped to laugh, and it informed its age to defecate, therefore they would go to lose its invencibilidade, Bryan perceived that Fster would go to run away then it quickly mounted a group with 50 men, them had been for backwards of the city where if they find the ship of escape of Foster, Bryan arrived in time, but it gave of face with Foster, Bryan congealed, therefore it was expensive the face with the man whom its mother killed, but opposite of Bryan to attack Foster, therefore its I number was bigger Bryan decided to opt to called just it for a fight gladiadores Fster accepted then goes, Bryan broke for speaking top of Fster with all its anger goes to kill you its poor fellow, was an equal fight, but unhappyly Bryan failed and lowered its guard. .

Meirelles Coast

In the same year, it had the Pact of Family, joining the Bourbon of France, Spain, Naples and Parma, that the tension between Portugal and Spain increased. The Colony was in Portuguese ownerships, and Spain invaded in 30 of October of 1762, returned in the following year, for the Treated one to Paris, coming back to invade in 30 of May of the 1777 and island of Santa Catarina in 3 of July. The pertaining territory to Spain to this of the river Uruguay arrived at the indefinite line of the Meridian of Tordesilhas, that in accordance with the Spanish opinion passed for the Canania island, but Portugal more pointed out it to the west of the river Uruguay, however the Treated one to Ildefonso Saint rescued Treat to Madrid, yielding the Colony of the Sacrament, the Territory of the Missions and part of the Rio Grande Do Sul the Spain and the island of Santa Catarina Portugal. In 19 of June of 1764, Jose Gervsio Artigas, third son of captain Martin Jose Artigas and Antnia Pascual was born in Montevidu, future politician, to militate and national hero of Uruguay. In 24 of June of 1784, son of the Manuel Spaniard woollen Perez Valleja and Ramona woollen Justina Tower, was born in Saint Luca, Juan Antonio woollen Lavalleja y Tower, leader future of the 33 orientals and president of Uruguay, in 1853. Four years later, in 23 of September of 1788, son of Portuguese 2 second lieutenant Joaquin Gonalves Da Silva and Perptua of the Meirelles Coast, in Triumph, in the Rio Grande Do Sul, were born Blessed Gonalves Da Silva, who would be one of the leaders of the Farroupilha Revolution with separatistas objectives, in the search of the independence of the province, of the Brazilian Empire. In 1800, Portugal gave beginning to the expansionista politics with populations throughout the border of the Rio Grande Do Sul, and the Eastern Missions had been divided by the rivers Ibicuy and Yaguarn and Mern lagoon. .

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