Brazilian Culture and Education

Origin of the story is in the verbal transmission of the facts, in the act to count histories, that the writing precedes and in it sends the times to them remote. The act to tell an event verbally evolved for the written register of this narrative. the narrator also evolved of a simple accountant of histories for the figure of a narrator worried about creative and aesthetic aspects. It is at the beginning of the Modern Age that the story if consolidates as literature. We search in the Dictionary Aurlio de Portuguese Lngua, the definitions for the word story.

1. Fictitious history; 2. Said narration or writing of an event; 3. To tell or to relate. We perceive that the definitions are come back toward the act to count or to tell an isolated episode of the great history, to focus for marcantes and lesser events in a long trajectory. The scholars of the theory of the story say that to define story he is not far from easy, therefore involve a series of peculiarities that for forgotten times if, a sort of difficult definition, esquivo in its multiples and antagonistic aspects . (CORTAZAR, 1998, P.

6) In the study Theory of the story, Ndia Battella Gotlib, in provides ampler vision to them on the characteristics of the story, where it joins diverse theories and research on the subject and presents refined a study and exemplificado, also with the cited theory already before Jlio Cortazar. (GOTLIB, 1985, P. 33) With few and clear words we can summarize Story as the narrative that offers a sample of the life, by means of an episode, an instant or snapshot, a singular and representative moment. One consists of a short, simple history, with economy of ways, concentration of the action, it time and it space. That is, the narrative is nothing more than this action-time-space, therefore the story is a short history, however with a clear-cut body with such traces.