Valentine Gift

Valentine’s Day (Valentine’s Day Feb. 14) – holiday subtle, delicate and fair. This is a celebration for everyone who loves all who love … For 16 centuries, from one year to February 14 of an ordinary day turns into the most anticipated amorous couples holiday. In this wonderful day people get close to each other in the form of small suvenirchiki Cards – Valentine heart-shaped, filled with beautiful wishes and declarations that the entire year warm and give joy! Every year this festival gains more and more hearts. And it does not mean that our country becomes more enamored. Just a crazy rhythm of life all the more eager at least one day to give the very people who support us, warm, rescued from boredom and trouble, raise us up and just love us for what we are, with all our flaws and shortcomings! For this they worthy, of course, more than one day of attention and love, but we do not always do what we want. And I’m very happy that there is a holiday, in which any person may, without embarrassment, to say out loud that he loves and is grateful to all those around him! And it does not matter whether you find that half, they dream of that day are worth seeing: coworkers, friends, parents, classmates, and just sitting next to people! After giving a smile and joy in You will receive the same! Well, if you think seriously about the gifts that I in turn can advise something!))) Originally back in the 17th century to this day, a smart, well or not so my uncle offered to present to each other candy or gloves!

Well, in general, tastes were changing as time went on and we got to the 21st century! Where the abundance of various souvenirs and trinkets eyes run in different directions! Well, so much does not get lost to begin with let us define, Who we are preparing a gift! If this is your co-workers or good friends to them or anything particularly grand do not come up, it’s best if you will present them to a nice Valentine’s Well, and what may be goodies for tea! Well, if you prepare a gift your sweetheart, then there will podnaprechsya well, it is desirable to work with his hands well and a little – a little head! Indeed, as we remember from childhood is the best gift – this is the one that we’ve done for yourself! Well, something like that !!!))) this but if all this still is not enough time, try to get to their favorite things in the stores! In our time, the choice for so many huge that without a gift you will not stay !!!))) Well this optimistic note, I will finish! Do not pull with the best gifts do everything in advance so then there was no panic! Good luck bye bye! Original article posted on Gadgetos..

Wisdom And Age

US operated in its lives. The Bible, being the expression of the life of a people, could not leave to mention the wisdom signals gifts in the life of the aged one: accumulated experience, knowledge, prudence, fear D US understanding.> The importance of the accumulated wisdom of the aged ones is evidenced when we study the history of the humanity, the calls had existed in the past Advice of the Ancies in old Greece, Rome, Israel and several other civilizations; in the current days we can cite the aboriginal communities that rare take a decision before consulting or if advise with oldest. In China, one of the countries that more grow economically in the world, the children are under the guard and education of the grandmothers, the Japanese nation also values sufficiently the aged one in its society. To be aged is to be mature, tanned in the life. In Israel, the aged ones were the mantenedores of the faith of the people. They were considered the transmitters of the Alliance. Nike has similar goals. They if had to respect. The knowledge in the new perspectives that involve the Third Age with its conflicts forms the base for the inversion of this situation.

It must, before everything, to occur a mentality change. The society must receive the aged one, respecting its limitations and pointing out its qualities. The third age does not have to be faced as a problem and yes as a very characteristic space of our lives, that must be understood with objetividade. In the modern society the third age must be associated with happiness, experience and wisdom. These ideas must be spread by all the cantos. But so that it has change of the behavior of our society how much to the third age, other alterations must also occur as efforts for improvement of life of our aged in all directions. We are vain of whom the ignorance is point key in this process and must be fought by all means, being responsibility not alone of the governmental institutions, but of all those that have conscience of that, valuing our aged ones, it mainly gains the country and the community in which we are inserted.

The Game

Today still we perceive very of this, no matter how hard let us evolve what he was registered in the human being hardly gets excited. A very great awareness is necessary so that all are felt involved in this process of constantly educating the educandos children/. The responsible one for the education of these children, this new generation is the entire society. We perceive how much to the media also it influences, and little fight so that this does not happen. But we have conscience and nothing we make. The novels, propagandas and programs modify everything what it is placed by the parents. What more we see are sex scenes/sexuality, lies, corruption and, as nothing happens with these people, everything becomes very natural for all. Richard Linklaters opinions are not widely known. It seems that the society is vitiated to seeing assaults, robberies, homicides, running overs for imprudence, and as much others that valley not to stand out here.

But, obligatorily, we need to make some thing to change this everything. According to Tiba (2002, p.74), the children need to feel that they belong to a family. We know that the family is the base any being, we do not relate here only to blood family, but families also constructed through affection bows. Family, in the direction amplest, is a set of people who if join for the desire to be together, to construct something and of if complementing. She is through these relations that the people can become more human beings, learning to live the game of the affectivity in adequate way.

As what Tiba (1996, P. 13) says in them, To recoup the physiological authority she does not mean to be authoritarian, full of disobediences, injustices and inadequaes. What we verify currently is that a great one number of parents believes the false myth of the total freedom. They before free the children exactly of them to have bred wing for higher flights, and the result of this is a disastrous behavior most of the time.