The people today still has hunger, but good part eats better only that thanks to the government and yes of the proper sweat and they had not clearly had improvements had after all transferred five hundred years, but against the account in the tip of the pencil they are few rightnesss pra many deceits the schools are precarious, merenda always lacking the professor to you always in strike and the students are if killing. The health this a chaos and the SUS in the UTI has UPA pra all side, but the doctor never you I have a health plan there I suffer if to use the SUS I mount, and mount for lack inside of an car in the door of ready of aid the illnesses evolving grippe, affection, osteoporose and all time that the doctor only examines speaks that he is virose. Politicians and, but corruption politicians are accused and same that if he never proves will be the convict, and the people attends everything in the screen of its TV the same one that he exactly imposes without you to perceive everything to it that you go to dress to smoke to eat and to drink are the TV that imposes to it what it can and what is natural influences you in the certain missed of sexual sort the TV even ordered pras to you streets to paint the face to fight for rights its when it did not want more the President who same it chose, today more than what never it is hour to paint the face to congregate all nation and to give an shout of for, to paint the face as our indians make when they go the war either because of the tribe either because of we terrVamos to ask for new politicians, it are Collor it are Sarney, we go to search politicians new because of old I already tired, arrives of favor exchange, of false contracts, of mensalo and the biggest penalty pro offender is to be displayed in the television I is made use to enter in this war where the enemies carry metal ring and gun and the only weapon who I need and a paper and a penxs, therefore in the war of intelligence my mouth turn a cannon and my full mind one paiol of we munioVamos to make a movement for of the native land the gentile mother well for prosperity of next the five hundred years to the true people of Brazil.