Education And Identity

SOUZA, Valdria Saints of. We in the City: an interaction between theater, education and identity. 112f. 2008. Work of Conclusion of Course (Graduation)? Course of Licenciatura in Theater, School of Theater, Federal University of the Bahia, Salvador, 2008. SUMMARY Are described in this work the metodolgicos processes of construction of the spectacle We in the City – spectacle proceeding from a colaborativo process developed by the group of Licenciatura in Theater of 2004? that they make possible my search of self-knowledge, the formation of an artistic group and its identity as group. Through the art education, the pupils/actors of this process if had found with the history of the city of Salvador and with the history of the afro-Brazilians, thus making possible, a critical thought on the Ethnic-Racial Education and Law 10,639/2003, through the dialogues that had carried through with some instances of the city. The work, that includes depositions of integrant and the resultant text of the creative process, presents artistic practical one, pedagogical politics and of theater-education based on games and improvisation. It points with respect to possibilities of education for citizenship, through the exercise of the creativity, in the cultural dimension of the cities, valuing the people as historical citizens of the society which belong. Words Key: theater, identity, ethnic-racial education, citizenship and creativity.