Special Education

Marcelo de Araujo Actual Tutorial Lino of the course of Licenciatura in ED Mathematics of UNEB, Polar region River of Jequi Accounts, BA SUMMARY the present objective work To understand as the courses of Licenciatura in Mathematics of the southwestern State University of the Bahia (UESB), campus of Jequi, treats to the inclusion of special carriers of educational necessities (PNEE) in the regular net of education, in its project pedagogical politician (PPP). We use the case study as metodolgica strategy. Four pupils registered the last semester of the course had been interviewed (two of each) and were made a documentary analysis of the PPP. As theoretical recital we cite, mainly Mazzota (1996), Januzzi (1992), Mantoan (2006), Oak (1998). Concluimos that the courses of licenciatura in mathematics of the UESB, in the distance do not argue the education in its curricular gratings. Word-key: Mathematical education; Formation of professors; Inclusion of PNEE INTRODUCTION the inclusion process consists of the adequacy of the society to the necessities of its members, so that the same ones can be developed and exert its citizenship fully.

With this new paradigm, one becomes possible the magnifying of the net of attendance to all the children who need special attention for its necessities, what she is guaranteed to them in the Constitution of 1988, in article 208, interpolated proposition III ‘ ‘ educational attendance specialized the deficiency carriers, preferential in the regular net of ensino’ ‘. Such process faces some obstacles for its implantation accomplishes, such as: the preconception of the society, the lack of structure of the schools to take care of to the necessity of these pupils and the lack of qualification of the professors, subject this who we will analyze more deeply. The first step for implantation accomplishes of this process, is the total reorganization of the schools, not only in its physical aspect, as well as in its administrative and pedagogical aspect, sector this that inspires to greater attention, evidenced through the N decree.

Education And Identity

SOUZA, Valdria Saints of. We in the City: an interaction between theater, education and identity. 112f. 2008. Work of Conclusion of Course (Graduation)? Course of Licenciatura in Theater, School of Theater, Federal University of the Bahia, Salvador, 2008. SUMMARY Are described in this work the metodolgicos processes of construction of the spectacle We in the City – spectacle proceeding from a colaborativo process developed by the group of Licenciatura in Theater of 2004? that they make possible my search of self-knowledge, the formation of an artistic group and its identity as group. Through the art education, the pupils/actors of this process if had found with the history of the city of Salvador and with the history of the afro-Brazilians, thus making possible, a critical thought on the Ethnic-Racial Education and Law 10,639/2003, through the dialogues that had carried through with some instances of the city. The work, that includes depositions of integrant and the resultant text of the creative process, presents artistic practical one, pedagogical politics and of theater-education based on games and improvisation. It points with respect to possibilities of education for citizenship, through the exercise of the creativity, in the cultural dimension of the cities, valuing the people as historical citizens of the society which belong. Words Key: theater, identity, ethnic-racial education, citizenship and creativity.

Mathematics Professor

The pupils had said that tempofoi little and that the normal lessons would have to be ' ' of the same type anotodo' ' , what he takes in them to review the concept and methodology the seremaplicados ones in other segments of the mathematics, in the following years, with novosalunos. He appears then, the proposal of new planejamentos. Planning envolveprincipalmente the reflection of the professor and so that ocorrauma aprendizagemsignificativa, it must look for to take in consideration the concerns and osmeios cultural and social of the pupils. As it says Axe (1996: 192), escola fits to take care of so that the teia of significaes is strengthened here, refinadaali, always with the resource to the enrichment of the denovos relations or the construction we as beams of relations. Levi’s takes a slightly different approach. The knowledge is a teia of interlaced meanings comos interessespessoais narealizao of its projects. When we think about teia deconhecimentos, one becomes necessary that if it makes a guided action, and we nopodemos to think that an only hand exists, a ready prescription to be followed ouplanos insurances as they try to make the book-text and the resume. Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ contains valuable tech resources. According to Pablo Freire, (1994, p.47) ' ' (…) it has umapluralidade in the relations of the man with the world, in the measure where variety of its answers ampla desafios' '.

This variety of relations is initiated namedida where the professor obtains to create in the pupil a knowledge position, becoming it, thus, I criticize in what he mentions the pluralities of relations. Odilogo between professor and pupil is very important in los in the resolution, to suggest ways and reasonings? The reply it is in the exchange of ideas, in the dialogue. We go to clarify this half dilogopor of an example. It assumes that professorprope that its pupils decide in grupoalguns problems of Mathematics. Osproblemas can have been selected of a didactic book or created by it.

Mathematics Professor

The pupils had said that tempofoi little and that the normal lessons would have to be ' ' of the same type anotodo' ' , what he takes in them to review the concept and methodology the seremaplicados ones in other segments of the mathematics, in the following years, with novosalunos. He appears then, the proposal of new planejamentos. Planning envolveprincipalmente the reflection of the professor and so that ocorrauma aprendizagemsignificativa, it must look for to take in consideration the concerns and osmeios cultural and social of the pupils. As it says Axe (1996: 192), escola fits to take care of so that the teia of significaes is strengthened here, refinadaali, always with the resource to the enrichment of the denovos relations or the construction we as beams of relations. Levi’s takes a slightly different approach. The knowledge is a teia of interlaced meanings comos interessespessoais narealizao of its projects. When we think about teia deconhecimentos, one becomes necessary that if it makes a guided action, and we nopodemos to think that an only hand exists, a ready prescription to be followed ouplanos insurances as they try to make the book-text and the resume. Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ contains valuable tech resources. According to Pablo Freire, (1994, p.47) ' ' (…) it has umapluralidade in the relations of the man with the world, in the measure where variety of its answers ampla desafios' '.

This variety of relations is initiated namedida where the professor obtains to create in the pupil a knowledge position, becoming it, thus, I criticize in what he mentions the pluralities of relations. Odilogo between professor and pupil is very important in los in the resolution, to suggest ways and reasonings? The reply it is in the exchange of ideas, in the dialogue. We go to clarify this half dilogopor of an example. It assumes that professorprope that its pupils decide in grupoalguns problems of Mathematics. Osproblemas can have been selected of a didactic book or created by it.

April Education

The processes are understood for ambient education by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward the conservation of the environment, public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support. Art. 2.

the ambient education is an essential and permanent component of the national education, having to be present, of articulated form, in all the levels and modalities of the educative process, in formal and not formal character. If you would like to know more about Levi’s, then click here. Art. 3. As ampler educative party to suit, all they have right to the ambient education, charging: II – to the educative institutions, to promote the ambient education in way integrated to the educational programs that develop; VI – to the society as a whole, to keep permanent attention to the formation of values, attitudes and abilities that propitiate the individual and collective performance directed toward the prevention, the identification and the solution of ambient problems. Art.

4. Is basic principles of the ambient education: III – the pluralism of ideas and pedagogical conceptions, in the perspective of the Inter, multi and trans-disciplinaridade; IV – the entailing between the ethics, the education, the work and practical the social ones; V – the guarantee of continuity and permanence of the educative process; VI – the permanent critical evaluation of the educative process; Art. 5. Is objective basic of the ambient education: I – the development of an integrated understanding of the environment in its multiple complex relations, involving ecological, psychological, legal aspects, social, economic, scientific, cultural and ethical politicians; III – the stimulaton and the reinforcement of an ambient problematic critical conscience on and the social one; IV – the incentive to individual and collective, permanent and responsible the participation, in the preservation of the balance of the environment, understanding itself prohibited it of the ambient quality as a non-separable value of the exercise of the citizenship; VII – the reinforcement of the citizenship, self-determination of the peoples and solidarity as beddings for the future of the humanity.


To teach itself to a deaf person she is necessary much more that a graduation, that a vast resume, and even though that a course of pounds. She is necessary that this educator is apt if to recycle, to open horizontes, to look in pedagogical practical its a capable method of if making to understand. Therefore it goes to have that to reformulate all the acquired knowledge and to transform into something new. He does not only treat yourself to translate concepts, but to transmit concepts in different contexts and situations. To be deaf person professor is not a simple task, is not enough to know Pounds, is necessary a perpetual exercise, therefore as all and any language it is alive, suffers linguistic variations, either regional, social and even though historical it, from there the importance of the professor as facilitador and intermediador of the language. It is necessary determination, ousadia and humildade. Swarmed by offers, American filmmaker is currently assessing future choices.

It is if to leave to hear, or better, it sees until where it goes to the understanding of the deaf person, adding it new practical, concepts, information. Taking as example new the proposal educational, the bilingismo, that comes to allow the deaf pupil to construct a positive auto-image, therefore beyond using the language of signals as the natural language, goes to appeal to the Portuguese language to interact in the culture listener, and opening space for the mathematics the idea appears of applied concept the word. It is using the Portuguese language, and the pounds that will be arrived at the mathematical logic, that is, it is from the linguistic acquisition that if has that we can enter in the mathematical context and display the deaf person the resolution of mathematical questions without more problems. 1-Language of signals as first language the Brazilian language of signals? POUNDS are the basic tool for the elaboration of the discursiva formation of the deaf person.