
The evaluation of the learning thematic is found in varied fields of studies, as in the field of psychology, sociology, the Pedagogia and the education among others. Antonio Nvoa in a preface in the workmanship of Fernandes (2005) says that nor a subject gave to as many studies and research, therefore the researchers and specialists look for to understand this reality more, elaborating sophisticated instruments. Some problems observed today in the schools as evasion, the reprovao, the desistance among others are resultant among others of the form as if it understands and it organizes education and the evaluation. The evaluation of the learning is a sufficiently complex question, having influences of the pedagogia, the didactics, psychology among others areas. Currently it has an evident concern in the works developed for the change necessity and in the improvements of the practical ones of evaluation of the learnings of the pupils. The form as the evaluation if organizes and if it develops in classroom reflects in the learning that if it develops of superficial form.

The used elements generally are used for attainment to guarantee notes that do not represent in the reality the true learning of these. As Luckesi (2006) while the evaluation of the learning will have as center the examinations, will not be able to fulfill with the function to subsidize the decision of the improvement of the learning. The brief quarrel and the reflection presented in this article approach the story of experience lived for the proper author of this text. This article can contribute thus waits it so that the evaluation in classroom can be thought and be argued of critical and reflexiva form. To remember to my experiences in relation the evaluation in the process of my learning is sufficiently traumatic, therefore always I was displayed and even though ridicularizada not by a professor, but by that they had been inesquecveis, being and clearly negative.