The woman was lead for a silk rope, the husband gave the three returns and the contract was materialize in notary’s office. The reasons that had led to the husbands to make the English custom of the Wives will be Sales vary. It could go of the mere hedonism to the economic necessity. The book of Thompson cites some examples about reasons for these sales, and in one of them it speaks on a loving triangle where the involved ones had decided problem with the sales of the wife to loving its. KDP wanted to know more. But for backwards of this negotiation they were the questions of housing in a shelter, and that it finished with the prohibition of the negotiation and the arrest involved them. After described this ritual I can abide me it my object of admiration. the women as if held ahead of its situation of merchandise? The concretion of this commerce depended 100% on the agreement of the wife. Almost always in the declaration of the husband it mentioned itself to the interest of the two: ' ' therefore we agree to separar' '.
After that the question was done: ' ' You are made use to be vendida, mine lady? Yes I am! ' ' Almost always the auction happened of comic form and bem-humorada, but the times if it became degradante for the involved ones, mainly for the wife who exactly assenting finished being reason of chacota for all that multitude that witnessed the auction. Although this the wife had to be able of veto: if the purchaser did not please it could cancel the auction and participate of another one. analysis of other dated documents of century XVIII raises many ideas about the situation of the women and as the education could help them to obtain it an improvement in its lives. While in revolutionary France the few women who had tried to take part in the politics had been ignored (or guillotine) in England, where the women enjoyed of certain freedom in its daily one, Mary Wollestonecraft assumed the cause of the women publishing in 1792 an intitled book of Claim of the Rights of the Women, despertando the anger of some social segments, mainly of the men, who feared any possibility of alteration of the papers of the sexos.