The preceituada professional qualification in art. 36 of the Law n. 11.741, of the 2008 which if complements specifically with made use in the article 39 in interpolated propositions I and II of the paragraph 2 which beyond guaranteeing initial and continued formation also present the professional education of average level, being objective of the national education. Make reference to reference the servers who belong to the picture of the education searching to identify where they are the servers professors is not verified that the LDB presents, in Heading VI – Of the Professionals of the Education, in interpolated proposition II. See more detailed opinions by reading what Levi’s offers on the topic.. ‘ ‘ Art.
61. The ones are considered professional of basic the pertaining to school education that, in it being in effective exercise and having been formed in recognized courses, are: I? professors qualified in average or superior level for the docncia in the infantile education and educations basic and average; II? carrying workers in education of pedagogia diploma, with qualification in administration, planning, supervision, inspection and educational orientation, as well as with headings of mestrado or doutorado in the same areas; III? workers in education, carriers of course diploma technician or superior in pedagogical or similar area. (Enclosed for the Law n 12,014, of 2009). (BRAZIL, 1996). However, the professionals who compose the picture of servers of the school are the workers in education with formation in level technician or superior courses in the pedagogical area. 2,2 PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: HISTORICAL PICTURE Manfredi (2002) when constructing a historical picture of the Professional Education, standes out that when the Portuguese had arrived at Brazil, related educative practical the aboriginal peoples had its to the practical activities of the daily one by means of the socialization and the convivncia with the adults, and that they gave themselves by means of comment and direct participation in the practical activities.