Sociological Survey

It's no secret that today at employment in more or less well-paid job in Moscow, employers in connection with the crisis have tightened requirements for candidates. Tightening in the end resulted in the need for wholesale be a higher education, namely to have a university diploma hand. But sometimes these requirements are at least overstated. For example, typing in well-known request a search of 'operator walk behind scrubber' or other similar request, it is possible find a number of vacancies, which require people with higher education! Agree – this is absurd. Probably not a man not to receive education in order to then go to work polomoyschikom, and if this continues, then operator walk behind scrubber will soon demand and the availability of rights to control a motor vehicle. To read more click here: Richard Linklater. Now, from the lyrics go straight to the survey, 'Why people decide to buy a university diploma in Moscow' .32% for In order to get a job with a decent salary (frankly self-serving purpose) 55% in order to prove our professionalism to document a potential employer (only when a person has extensive practical experience in the business, and employability is required documentary evidence) of 10% in order to recover a lost certificate without delay (not self-serving purpose, unnecessarily, these people already have a formal higher education), 3% to was. (Just in case) As seen from the results of sociological poll 55% buy the certificate to verify your experience documented. From what we can conclude that the requirements of employers really tightened and now the employer is primarily looking for a diploma, and only then on the professional qualities of a potential employee and his practical experience and achievements.

The second category of people 32%, which priobredayut degrees – are the people doing it for mercenary motives in mind the big competition for jobs of workers. And indeed, when the employer has two potential employees, and one of them has a diploma, all else being equal, he will choose it. The third smaller group of people not in 10%, absolutely no self-interest neprisleduyut purposes, they only want to restore the diploma does not stretch in the long term because of bureaucracy. For this category of people is clear, unnecessarily, and if you live in another city rabtaete different from the place of study and graduation, the recovery will have to make the request and go on Meta location of the university, which is associated with the financial and time constraints. That is why people living in Moscow, easier and cheaper to order a rapid production of copies of the document is not different from the original in the short term and for the latch value, rather than go through official channels. Well, last grupa people in 3% buy diploma, apparently for hedging, ie, assume that in the future it may be useful to them.