In recent years, experts note the dangerous trend of rejuvenation drug. This is associated with an effective involvement of children in use: the wide availability of 'involving' (aka light) drugs, rooting in the minds of youth "normality" of alcohol and drugs. Lack of resistance to pressure drug dealers from educational institutions, law enforcement and parents, facilitates the destroyer of children's fates. Meanwhile, the impact of drugs on the fledgling body detrimental and often irreversible. Derivatives of cannabis devastating effects on the brain, increasing the likelihood of cancer brain and respiratory organs. Psychostimulants such as cocaine cause rapidly increase the dose and increase the frequency of admission due to the unbearable feelings of depression after sobering up, it often leads to overdose and smerti.Posle taking synthetic drugs to be the strongest prostration, apathy, the body wears, suffer all the vital organs. drugs (heroin, morphine) – the most potent and dangerous – devastating effect on all organs.
Drugs provoke irreversible destructive processes in the cerebral cortex. A person who uses drugs, can not remember even simple information, loses all ability to learn. Almost always occurs against the backdrop of apathy, anger and aggression. Every addict is illegal lifestyle, degrading morally and socially. For a fledgling child's mind is often irreversible consequences.
Cured of drug addiction teens very seriously because they often arranges such an illusory life, where there are no problems. And if a teen is no purpose to cure, then, how would you try, do not happen. How to prevent teenage drug abuse? On average 32% of these young people resorting to drugs as a way of avoiding stress, 28% of teens try drugs for the first time (without special desire) under the influence of authority for them to individuals, ie as a result of third-party suggestions, 39.5% of teens try drugs out of curiosity. Starting in 10 years, Teen seeks to make its own decisions, become independent, seeks spend more time with their friends and less with family. He feels the need to be accepted among peers. As difficult for parents, they should take a child's desire for independence. It is very important retain credibility at this time in communion with him. Not enough good relationships with their parents make an unstable teenager to influence by their peers. At this age, parents should help children develop skills lead healthy, productive lives, to find guidelines for the future, to develop a responsible attitude towards oneself and others, help children develop friendships. In this period of life, children are often faced with alcohol and drugs and in need of information about them. It is very important at this time in detail and frequently enough to inform the child about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. This is a good counterbalance to what teenagers learn about the "interesting" narcotic effects from their peers. At this age, children seem so independent, but in reality it is the time it is very important parental support, understanding and kindness.