Ambient Psychology

Describing the historical process of Ambient Psychology, it disciplines defining it and its objects of study and presenting possibilities of performance of the psychologist in the area, this study &#039 will allow the one knowledge; ' novo' ' field of Psychology still little spread in the academy, but that ahead of the current ambient crises one becomes essential to understand and to improve the impacts of the relation of the man with environment, being natural or constructed it. It will contribute for Psychology for being the science that studies the human behavior, allowing an understanding of the processes of ambient awareness, the perception of the people front to the environment and the attitudes related to the preservation or degradation ahead of the current scene. Source: Richard Linklater. Ambient Psychology is also great responsible for the improvement in such a way in the construction how much in the conservation of the spaces, benefiting a conviviality between the people, either in familiar, educational, organizacional or urban the environment, therefore as Morval (2007), the environment beyond being the scene of our lives, represents stimulaton clasping and at the same time an overwhelming, but abysmal and also mysterious, therefore still we have of it a representation that seems to be, in many aspects, confused and subjective. A bibliographical study was become fullfilled, that as Demon (2000) is destined to reconstruct theories, concepts, ideas, ideologies improving beddings practical theoreticians and/or, since the boarded subject cannot be mensurado. Get more background information with materials from Chip Bergh. From word-key as Psychology; Ambient and Surrounding psychology, considered books, texts, pertinent scientific periodic articles and had been selected, in systematic and reconstructive way, found in sources of data and research as Scielo, the Laboratory of Ambient Psychology of the University of Brasilia, REPALA – Net of Latin American Ambient Psychology and the Group of Studies Person-Environment Interactions of the Federal University of the Rio Grande of the North. One searched the indicated bibliographical references in found documents, giving to one better basement in the research, emphasizing concepts and history of Ambient Psychology.