Piaget (1948), The same detaches it serves as apprentice sensrio engine as important in the construction of the mental image. Motor Sensrio is marked by the development of the sensations and perceptions and by the development of basic concepts such as: I, object, space, time, causalidade (cause and effect), beyond the development of the motricidade. In the phase motor sensrio is the door of entrance for child ripens its cognitivas structures and is for the same serves as apprentice that the same one learns the world that is part. The motor development is the process of change in the motor behavior, which is related with the age, as much in the position how much in the movement of the child thus good motor development to reflect in the future life of the child thus also with in the alfabetizao process. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Kindle Direct Publishing. (Goldberg, 2002.
p 13-34) In the alfabetizao it I serve as apprentice sensrio engine has important function in this Piaget phase (1948), the child starts to interact with the way being thus developed rhythms and producing its traces graphical, making to appear the drawing. The drawing passes for change, therefore at the beginning the scribbles say respect giving space for garatujas and leading for the construction each commanded time. Ferreiro and Teberosky (1986) Luira (1988) stand out that, many before the alfabetizao the child execute the writing cognitivamente. Much before being alfabetizada the child already it creates its hypotheses on the writing. According to Blacksmith (1999) the level Daily pay I, where the child believes that to write she is to reproduce or to imitate the traces of the writing of the adult. In this stage the scribble is the first step for the development, leading the child in such a way to the drawing how much the word of the writing. Filed under: Levi’s. Its scribbles come from an intense activity of the imaginary one.
The entire body is present in the action, concentrated in pontinha of the pencil. This functions as bridge of communication between the body and the paper. (DERDYK, 1989, P. 63). Piaget (1948) classifies the phases of the drawing as: Garatujas Fazem has broken of the motor sensria phase (the 0 2 years) and part of the phase daily pay-operatria (the 2 7 years). In this period garatujas can be divided in two disordered and commanded parts. Oliveira (2007, p44) the drawing and infantile grafismo very plays important preparatory ability for writing and reading. They assist to develop the ability to catch the pencil of correct form, facilitating a bigger harmony of the movements. In this way, to scribble, to draw and to write not mechanical acts, to perhaps reflecting thus symbolic meanings capable to contribute in the alfabetizao of the child. In this phase of garatuja the child passes for some phases of the development exploring its body and space thus also develops the motor coordination and the fine musculatura of the hands and manual ocular coordination and others.