Mental Image Construction

Piaget (1948), The same detaches it serves as apprentice sensrio engine as important in the construction of the mental image. Motor Sensrio is marked by the development of the sensations and perceptions and by the development of basic concepts such as: I, object, space, time, causalidade (cause and effect), beyond the development of the motricidade. In the phase motor sensrio is the door of entrance for child ripens its cognitivas structures and is for the same serves as apprentice that the same one learns the world that is part. The motor development is the process of change in the motor behavior, which is related with the age, as much in the position how much in the movement of the child thus good motor development to reflect in the future life of the child thus also with in the alfabetizao process. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Kindle Direct Publishing. (Goldberg, 2002.

p 13-34) In the alfabetizao it I serve as apprentice sensrio engine has important function in this Piaget phase (1948), the child starts to interact with the way being thus developed rhythms and producing its traces graphical, making to appear the drawing. The drawing passes for change, therefore at the beginning the scribbles say respect giving space for garatujas and leading for the construction each commanded time. Ferreiro and Teberosky (1986) Luira (1988) stand out that, many before the alfabetizao the child execute the writing cognitivamente. Much before being alfabetizada the child already it creates its hypotheses on the writing. According to Blacksmith (1999) the level Daily pay I, where the child believes that to write she is to reproduce or to imitate the traces of the writing of the adult. In this stage the scribble is the first step for the development, leading the child in such a way to the drawing how much the word of the writing. Filed under: Levi’s. Its scribbles come from an intense activity of the imaginary one.

The entire body is present in the action, concentrated in pontinha of the pencil. This functions as bridge of communication between the body and the paper. (DERDYK, 1989, P. 63). Piaget (1948) classifies the phases of the drawing as: Garatujas Fazem has broken of the motor sensria phase (the 0 2 years) and part of the phase daily pay-operatria (the 2 7 years). In this period garatujas can be divided in two disordered and commanded parts. Oliveira (2007, p44) the drawing and infantile grafismo very plays important preparatory ability for writing and reading. They assist to develop the ability to catch the pencil of correct form, facilitating a bigger harmony of the movements. In this way, to scribble, to draw and to write not mechanical acts, to perhaps reflecting thus symbolic meanings capable to contribute in the alfabetizao of the child. In this phase of garatuja the child passes for some phases of the development exploring its body and space thus also develops the motor coordination and the fine musculatura of the hands and manual ocular coordination and others.

The Act

In this way, the present study it is centered around the relations between auto-esteem, pertaining to school autoconceito and results. We will analyze the way as the school differentiates the pupils individually how much to auto-they esteem, autoconceito, relationship with the group of pairs, the family and the school as a whole. Word-key: Interaction, mediation, learning, professor, learning. Area of knowledge: Education. Introduction The act to educate must be passion object so that you if deliver, canalizes its potential and can have resulted positive in the construction of better human beings. To create men who are capable to make new things, not simply to repeat what other generations already have made. That they are creative and finders; capable to form minds that can be critical and to verify not only accepting everything that is offered to them: it is as soon as Piaget describes the main objectives of the education (PIAGET, 2001, p.20) So that this happens, it is basic that auto-they esteem of the educators it is fortified; she is necessary to reflect if they are dealing themselves with respect, affection and admiration.

It is necessary to understand as these educators had been treated during infancy and adolescence. She functions as a cycle. Can somebody stimulate the growth and development of another human being if its development is compromised? It is what one becomes is that serves as reference for a child or a young, and not only words. Thus thinking, to if relating with the other, each human being starts to be an educator in potential (AXE, 2007, p.15). One knows that the attention given for the professor to the pupil is basic so that the pertaining to school income and the proper one auto-esteem of the student are improved. It has many histories of children, adolescents or young that if felt incompreendidos by the parents or even though for the proper society that had had in the figure of the professor alento for its lives futures.


To teach itself to a deaf person she is necessary much more that a graduation, that a vast resume, and even though that a course of pounds. She is necessary that this educator is apt if to recycle, to open horizontes, to look in pedagogical practical its a capable method of if making to understand. Therefore it goes to have that to reformulate all the acquired knowledge and to transform into something new. He does not only treat yourself to translate concepts, but to transmit concepts in different contexts and situations. To be deaf person professor is not a simple task, is not enough to know Pounds, is necessary a perpetual exercise, therefore as all and any language it is alive, suffers linguistic variations, either regional, social and even though historical it, from there the importance of the professor as facilitador and intermediador of the language. It is necessary determination, ousadia and humildade. Swarmed by offers, American filmmaker is currently assessing future choices.

It is if to leave to hear, or better, it sees until where it goes to the understanding of the deaf person, adding it new practical, concepts, information. Taking as example new the proposal educational, the bilingismo, that comes to allow the deaf pupil to construct a positive auto-image, therefore beyond using the language of signals as the natural language, goes to appeal to the Portuguese language to interact in the culture listener, and opening space for the mathematics the idea appears of applied concept the word. It is using the Portuguese language, and the pounds that will be arrived at the mathematical logic, that is, it is from the linguistic acquisition that if has that we can enter in the mathematical context and display the deaf person the resolution of mathematical questions without more problems. 1-Language of signals as first language the Brazilian language of signals? POUNDS are the basic tool for the elaboration of the discursiva formation of the deaf person.

Written Thought

In case that contrary, it does not pass of one accumulated random one of enunciated (BRAZIL, 1996, p.25). To construct a text the use of signs is necessary (letters) that they are changedded into words, therefore we know that the relation thought and language is a process in movement continues of go-and-comes of the thought for the word and vice versa. The thought passes for many transformations ties if to become speaks. The expression is not alone that it finds in says, finds its reality and its form. In the interacionista conception it is in the way that the citizen receives the necessary requirements for construction from the knowledge and the psychological development. He was proven that the interaction is a process continues in which each participant of the recria social group and makes its proper reading of the information, concepts and meanings. Being thus, we can say that the language is not only one characteristic that defines the man of the other animals, and, yes, that it is constituted not of same it, but also of the citizens.

In our daily one we act of different forms with the language, for the language and through the language. different languages are followed by different actions and forms of thoughts (verbal, corporal, gestual, audiovisual, tactile language, writing), being that it is the written language that establishes the bridge between the citizen and the other knowledge and languages. The written language made and is part of our reality as social beings. Through the activities written and express of verbal form for the pupils it could be analyzed that we live surrounded of graphical materials, that the objective has to inform, to convince, to communicate, ideas and feelings. It observes if that exactly the ones that they do not know to read and to write are surrounded of texts printed matters. The contacts with the world had made to scholar to perceive them characteristics and functions of the texts beyond everything, the linguistic and visual characteristics (types of letters, special organization, presence of images and numbers).

The Level

During all the process of visits it was shown to the pupils and also to the professors who stop the conviviality in society is necessary the domain of the reading and the writing, because it is through such abilities that we communicate in them and we have access the diverse types of information, expression and argument of our ideas, has vises of world and produces knowledge. The responsibility will go to depend in the letramento degree of the communities where the pupils live, the level of the pupil must be considered, or what they already know. Therefore, the school could develop abilities techniques in the pupils, as, for example, to interpret different literal sorts, that circulate socially, to assume the word, and, as member of a society scholar to produce texts varied and efficient in some situations of the daily one, also and census of research and study in the professors, who would go developed abilities to evaluate the level of the pupil. To together understand better the process of reading and writing with the pedagogical team, professors and in even analyze of my proper one practise in an agricultural school, PCNs had been according to appraised language, language and text: The language is a form of interindividual action guided by a specific purpose; an interlocution process that if carries through in practical social the existing ones in the different groups of a society, at the distinct moments of its history. The language is historical and social a system of signs that makes possible the man to mean the world and the reality. Thus, to learn it is to learn not alone the words, but also its cultural meanings e, with them, the ways for which the people of its social environment understand and interpret the same reality and itself (BRAZIL, 1996, p.24). A text alone is a text when it can be understood as global significant unit, when it possesss textualidade. .

Involuntary Drawing

In this study, salient that the evolution of the drawing folloies the development of the writing. Luquet (1969) In its study discovered that the drawing passes for period of training of development and ' ' it does not keep the same characteristics of the principle to the end. Therefore, it agrees to make to sobressair the distinctive character of its phases sucessivas' '. (LUQUET, 1969, p.135). Thus, the periods of training of development of the drawing are quatros such which: fortuitous realism, failed realism, intellectual realism and the visual realism. Pillar (1996, p, 29), ' ' being based on Ferreiro and Luquet, it considers that, initially, in each phase of the drawing it has a common origin escrita' '. According to author, the period of training of development of the infantile drawing folloies the evolution of the writing. Thus, each phase of the drawing corresponds the levels of the writing. Others who may share this opinion include Nike.

Fortuitous realism the child when it draws does not have the intention to represent the object faithful as sees it. This phase is divided at two moments. The first moment is called Involuntary Drawing that occurs when the child initiates the drawing without no intention to detail it. As the moment is intitled Voluntary Drawing that is when the child draws without intention to construct something. After to finish the drawing it establishes a representation of what she drew, thus giving the name to the drawing. When the child enters in ' ' period of the involuntary drawing, the writing starts as a drawing, in as the moment, the child enters in the voluntary drawing and its writing already is daily pay silbica.' ' (PILLAR, 1996, p.30). Failed realism is the period of training of the imperfection, therefore the child does not have control of the movement, thus does not obtain to perceive the detail of the object. In this A stage the child not yet obtains to direct and to limit its graphical movements in order to give to its tracing it appeared that it would like.

Societal Construction

The education and the construction of a society more joust Much if has spoken in the education as form of construction of the individual before the society, constituting half the more efficient and available one to obtain one ' ' place to sol' '. To improve the status in the society is the dream of many people and worse that is the position that occupies, has a belief very spread out that, will have motivation and a good education, the concretion of its ideals is more than certain. Although already materialize the ideals of a public, universal and gratuitous school in almost all the said countries developed, still are dreams pursued for many countries, mainly those of Latin America. But these dreams are not new, in contrast, have deep roots in the past. Levi’s wanted to know more. Passed this where the principles and ideals as equality of rights chances constituam doctrine in liberalism. However, the paper of liberalism constitutes in the education an instrument of construction for a igualitria society and more joust and this are present strong in the speeches varied in the pedagogia and plan of state in Brazil. Liberalism is a system of beliefs and certainties, an ideology. Of this form, the liberal doctrine recognizes the social inaqualities and the rights equally established, a necessity for a better society, but this will have to start for a good education and of quality for all..

The Drawing

The trainee and the responsible teacher will assist the children in the accomplishment of the task. It is important that the children think and participate actively in the choice of the eight actions. For even more opinions, read materials from Richard Linklater. 15 DAY: It paints the right hand of each child with ink to the water base (of green color). Mozinha of each child will be changedded into a species of ' ' carimbo' '. It stamps the tenth fourth leaf in the adequate place.

It cleans the hand of each child and locks up the activity. 16 DAY: It delivers tenth fifth leaf. &#039 helps each child to complete the phrase; ' My preferred trick is ____' '. It delivers a piece of red sandpaper. This piece of sandpaper must have the format of a rectangle of 20 cm x 13,5 cm the child must glue the sandpaper in the leaf using white glue, later making a free drawing using wax chalk. This drawing must be on the favourite trick of the child and must be made on the sandpaper. 17 DAY: The task of number 16 is very simple. The child will have to make a drawing on the profession that wants to follow when she will be adult.

The drawing is free and the child will go to need black pencil number two, white rubber, pencil of color and wax chalk. 18 DAY: It delivers to a paper rectangle folding (of color orange) of 22 cm x 16 cm for each child. The paper teaches the children to make a house using folding. They have asked for who glue casinha in the leaf of number 17 using white glue. Later, part them children to draw a window and a door in casinha, using wax chalk. 19 DAY: In the number leaf 18, the child will have to complete the phrase ' ' In my house we are em__ pessoas' '.


The study it seeks to understand the difficulties of the teach-learning of Geometry, with intention to show the factors that involve the failure of the pupils in this discipline. A research of field in which was carried through professors of Mathematics of the basic and average education of the public net of education they had answered some questions related with teach-learning of Geometry in public schools. It’s believed that Kindle Direct Publishing sees a great future in this idea. They respostam after them had been elaborated graphical of data where the same ones they had been able to evidence the opinions of the professors in relation to the teach-learning of Geometry. The bibliographical research with D’ authors; AMBROSIO (2001) ; FILLOS (2009) and SAINTS (2001) searched to understand the answers given in the field research in which the professors had answered to the questionnaires. Richard Linklater has plenty of information regarding this issue. Being able then to conclude that the education of Geometry is being left of side for the majority of the professionals of the education and that the pupils do not have interest for the content for the fact of being a content of difficult agreement.

The Drawing

It delivers to a paper rectangle suede (of pink color) of 18, 5 cm x 14 cm that will have be glue with white glue in leaf eighteen. The child will have to make a drawing, representing its family, using wax chalk. The drawing is free. 20 DAY: It delivers to a paper rectangle suede (of gray color of 11,5 cm x 9,5 cm). sites. This rectangle teaches the child to make a roupeiro using. After soon, the child will have glue the roupeiro in leaf nineteen.

Using color pencil, the child will go to make the knobs of the roupeiro. She delivers to a magazine and a shears for each child, who will have to search, to cut and glue a dress photo (if the child will be girl) or a pants photo (if the child will be boy). The photo will have inside be glue of the roupeiro. It delivers a palito of picol of 11,5 cm of length, a palito of 6,5 cm of length and a fabric remnant chess of 3,5 cm x 12,5 cm the child will have glue, using glue white, the palitos and the fabric, forming one walks. 21 DAY: It delivers a drawing in which they will be a boy and a girl. The child will have glue the drawing, using white glue, in the leaf of number twenty. Later, she will go to color the drawing using pencil of color and wax chalk. She delivers to a magazine and a shears for CAD child, who will have to search, to cut and glue on the drawing, in appropriate place, photos of clothes (skirt and blouse or dress and pants and shirt). 22 DAY: It makes the drawing of four bonequinhos of hands given in a sheet of paper folding (of pink color clearly). It delivers for the child who will have to cut the drawing and necklace in the leaf of number twenty and one in the adequate place.