Matter And Empty Space

Well to enter in the field expose a concept that could serve to any martial artist and could generate some comments, it is of as use how to concerned an attack on our opponent and are vasa in the space, matter and vacuum, will try no dig both and capture the idea in a general way. Regularly or conventionally we are told to let our blows, attacks or techniques in an area determined within the human body perhaps this initiative is adequate for any practitioner who start in martial arts, but deco that we can see it from another point of view different which is the concept of namespaces, which is about changing the display of pergola say the stomach or facet hit the corners and spaces within the area of the stomach or side with this opens the panorama of attack and Congreve to the natural reaction which is much better that reaction since mechanics that one doesn’t matter that motion generates your opponent you can react naturally to that attack and you can reply to it (remember that decisive technical and best attacks are unpredictable). on the other hand a mechanical movement is easily detectable and its objective is less likely (not to say that the technical mechanics will not serve but if exposes you more when face to someone more experienced). due to can decipher your movement and thereby may realize any.

Congreve to a final technique. at the moment we use spaces are not going to focus on the human body of our opponent (matter) in spite that is our goal, but in the vacuum generated by your entire body (includes guard, posture, beating, displacement Paten etc). the difference is that to strike or be locked our intention there only remain, exponentiation to a second reaction that could be fatal, contrary to put vacuum than when our coup is not yet effective can take the necessary vacuum and convert it into blocking or attack according to either the circumstances of our fight. in general gives us more weapons with which postmodern be more spontaneous this attracts wing surprise and thereby the objective met, serious fights are very fast last a couple of entreats no more, is therefore important to the alternatives we have in power respond to any situation no matter which is..


You can also try a warm bath, reduce noise sources or use plugs for ears, darken your room as much as possible and clear your mind of problems. Prevents unnecessary sources of stress during these months or search for methods to handle it. A normal level is good, but excessive stress can cause damage to your baby and you. So relax, delegated tasks that you, controls and do not overload your schedule, learn how to say NO to new responsibilities that are not essential at this time, and make a list of priorities and urgent things you have to deal now and which can leave for later (even after giving birth). If you feel that you’re resting enough but still your dark circles are too obvious, opts for the easy solution: make-up. Don’t feel guilty about covering them, the point is that you yourself you look beautiful. It also adds color to your eyebrows, eyelids and upper lashes to divert attention upwards your eyes and not below. Your beauty during pregnancy begins with the proper rest.

In these nine months might need to rest more because your body is using extra energy for the development of your baby. Despite your many responsibilities, your first responsibility you are yourself. It rests during the day if necessary and seeks ways to sleep well during the night. Will you help to have more energy and Verte radiant; keep in mind that when born your baby, it will be more difficult to sleep. In the next part of this series we talk a little more than skin and hair during pregnancy. Until then, feel beautiful!

Live Handling Emotions

KNOW living driving LAS EMOTIONS Carlos Mora Vanegas many successes, and failures have already experienced through our live, more, in dynamic environments, where is manifested every day that emotions froze, that depending on how we are prepared to do so, we will obtain results that we favor or affect us. It is important at the age that you have to read this writing, stops to think how he has been driving, ruling their emotions or they have done for you. Surprisingly inattentive in the handling of our emotions could have led to situations left determining footprints in our conduct, behavior, personality, security, looking for a way as we recover and reach those levels of harmony, happiness, accomplishment that we have rights. About the experiences that generates the delve into the handling of the emotions, he has been written in abundance, however many have not paid you the attention required couple take advantage of this attention. Precisely on this topic, the Mental education of Argentina school, us contributes, this society of good manners and social control have made us real robots of appearances. The University of Malaga the doctors Fernandez Berrocal and Extremera addressed emotional intelligence as the (essential) of persons ability to respond and perceive the feelings in appropriate and precise way, the capacity to assimilate them and understand them properly and skills to regulate and change our State of mind or of others. Emotional intelligence includes four components: perception and emotional expression.

It is recognizing consciously what emotions we have, identify what we feel and be able to verbalize them. A good perception means knowing interpret our feelings and live properly, allowing us to be more prepared for control and not let ourselves be dragged down by impulses. Emotional facilitation, or ability to produce feelings that accompany our thoughts. If emotions are put at the service of thinking help us take better decisions and thinking smarter. .


No Colombian family can say, currently, does not suffer the serious problem of professionals there in all of them, at least, a person educated thousands of deprivation and efforts, in any public or private University, sacrificing, most of the times, the possibilities of progress or social advancement of his closest relatives, when not ruin them or impoverishing them significantlythen exit with its brand-new title of doctor or engineer or lawyer or dentist or economist or zootecnista or nurse or therapist or any other, to the labour market and meet with the sad reality of duty, necessarily, resorting to the mediocre or less prepared politician to ask a puestico in any public entity. The consequence? A terrible frustration not only of the new professional but of his entire family. Who is the blame for this situation? We have no doubt: all, but primarily the State and regional or local authorities. First, to put it in a simple way, because it has been unable to plan and direct educational policies conducive to a better distribution of students in different races; Secondly because it has been unable to schedule the appropriate distribution of practitioners in the geographic areas in where, according to conscientious studies, they could provide their services to the society and at the same time could reach any convenience economic and, lastly, because it has not had the slightest desire to assist, Fund or subsidize the graduate, not to buy a taxi if not for that have the possibility of exercising his career. It is no secret that the biggest problem of the graduate is no longer, as it does some years, the concentration of them in the large urban centres but, precisely, lack absolute or partial economic means to organize in your Office, establishment or private office, i.e., to devote himself to his practice. Where they are, thus, the obligations of the State with that social group?.

The Quality

Within the observable behaviors happen frequently, in this type of bond is:-losing individuality: do what your want, when you want, but on the inside I have no desire to do so. I don’t dare to say no. -Make partner what he or she should do: remove economic, social, job responsibilities, and delivered to the task of solving life. -Be always willing to collaborate and help, even if they don’t ask us, or request, i.e., are ready to contribute. -More give what we receive in return: situation that creates significant imbalances in the life partner. -Also the rescuers, thought by her partner, feel for your partner and are even capable of living by your partner.

These are some of the attitudes towards the couple when we are to the rescue of the relationship. Caring for others is an act of love, but care for other forgetting me of me, is a very large distortion on the relations of life partner. Although education tells us that we have to think about others, is truth, we think of others because we live in a society and we all need all. But love more to another to forget of me is a condition that leads to live painful, frustrating, irresponsible, and in the background, relations are filled with empty and heartbreak. It is a very twisted conception in a life of a two. You need to make you charge it, and then be able to make you responsible for others. There is no other alternative.

I would love that I write and know your opinion. But if you’re in love and suffer, certainly need to rethink how you engage in your relationships and your personal life. Cecreto is a space dedicated to the quality of emotional vid. It has electronic material that you recover confidence in love, but above all, love yourself. Subscribe to the newsletter and receive free: the ten commandments of life with your partner how to recover trust in love, wounds and scars on the couple relationship.

Orchards In The City

The Orchard urban, comparable to the garden in the garden, it covered spaces or not for the cultivation of flowers, vegetables and fruit at the domestic level, without therefore belittle the quality of the products obtained from them. They tend to be areas of cultivation of small dimensions managed by amateurs, where good knowledge allow you to make your most. For this purpose, adequate knowledge of species produced is fundamental since times of cultivation according to the species, frames plantation, cultural tasks, rotation crop, etc. must be performed as best as possible. You can have the urban gardens in areas designated for that purpose, either in the periphery of the city or at home on the terrace and even on the balcony. When these are in houses with land, are called Garden in the garden, as this is the place where you are located.

In this case, are reserved areas within the garden with care and specific utility. They usually have specific dimensions and be more or less hidden but always integrated within the garden area. In the case of the urban garden, the ground can be natural crop area or a new area adapted for this purpose. It may even be growing tables when only used for cultivation of ornamental and horticultural. Note that in the latter case any even of hydroponic. The urban garden and orchard in the garden, have gone from being of strategic importance in the diet during difficult moments in which these foods are scarce, to be a fascinating hobby, educational for children besides profitable if performs well. That this type of garden is organic or not is an option to take. If you want traditional products to manage (seeds, fertilizers, substrates, etc.) are any of those offered on the market. If you want to be eco-friendly, will depart sow products especially manufactured or grown for this purpose, including the seeds or seedlings.

Monterrey Campus

It’s interesting how the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, knows how to use their opportunities and above all, plan with assertiveness its growth, operability, in such a way that constantly increases its potentiality of vision, not only penetration at the regional level, national but internationally, consolidating in this way that their goals are reached, achieve, guaranteeing him an image of strength, security in all its programmesas also consistency in which training, training of its graduates are quality and where, they are responsible for let know, apply the knowledge acquired to benefiting all. Nohay forget, as reminds us, which during its first fifteen years of life, from 1943 until the year 1958, the Tecnologico de Monterrey had been directed by three people: eng. Leon avalos, Lic. Roberto Guajardo Suarez and Mr. Victor Bravo Ahuja.

At the beginning of 1960, the Council of education and research Top extended the appointment of rector to Mr. Fernando Garcia Roel, after a year in which the post had been vacant. The vision of Mr. Garcia Roel, who held the post of rector for 25 years, the initial stage of the expansion of the technology of Monterrey.En was due September 1960, the Institute met 17 years of having been founded. I was then 3 thousand 952 students concentrated in the area of Monterrey between professional, high school and summer school, and had granted thousand 199 professional titles.

When Mr. Garcia Roel left office, the school population was 30 thousand 254 pupils, and the Monterrey Campus had graduated 21,794 professionals and extended 3,197 academic degrees. The work of the technology was carried out, in addition to Monterrey, in 23 foreign units.Since he took the reins of the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Eng. Garcia Roel noted the need for the institution to grow. He saw clearly that the technological culture of Monterrey could extend beyond the city that had arisen.

School Psychologist

Bullying means: to humiliate, to intimidate, to offend, to attack. What for much age ' ' normal' ' , adolescent and child thing is, in the truth, bullying – word in English who is used with the direction of zoar, enjoying, to tiranizar, to threaten, to intimidate, to humiliate, to isolate, to pursue, to ignore, to offend, to beat, to wound, to discriminate and to place maldosos nicknames. The gravity is that this standard of behavior is far from being innocent. It is treated, in the truth, of a riot that if characterizes for repetitive physical and moral aggressions, taking the victim to the isolation, the fall of the pertaining to school income, the emotional alterations and to the depression. No school can ignore such occurrence, comumente perceivable in its domnios. It fits to the school to restrain aggressive attitudes, protecting in such a way the aggressors how much the attacked ones. In fact, both, aggressive and attacked, present psychological problems that, in case that not treated, can blow up disastrously. The moral and physical siege is intense, leaving the victim constrangida and scared.

The education of the young in century XXI if has become something very difficult, due to absence of models and educational referenciais. The parents of yesterday, reveal lost in the education of the children of today. They are each time busier with the work and little time they make use to dedicate the education to it of the children. This, in turn, is delegated to others, or in case of minor families purchasing power, the children are deliver to the proper luck. The parents do not obtain to educate its children emotionally, neither, feel themselves qualified to decide conflicts by means of the dialogue and of the negotiation of rules. They opt many times to the arbitrariedade of not or the permissividade of yes, not offering no referencial of convivncia pautado in the dialogue, the understanding, the tolerance, the limit and the affection.

Jhon Edison Bueno Marti

Remember, what you have learned, you can unlearn. Whatever the situation which has come to you, probably you can get out of it. If your real goal is to have big dreams and live without limits, you can set it as your standard and compare everything he does with that standard. The three keys to live without limits have always been the same. They are clarity, competition and concentration. Clarity means that you are absolutely clear about who he is, what he wants and where he’s going. You write your goals and make plans to meet with them. You can set priorities and do something every day to move toward their goals.

Competition means that you start to be very, very good in the main areas of his chosen field results. That is dedicated to continuing education. It never ceases to grow. You realize that excellence is a goal in motion. And you yourself is committed to do something every day that allows you to become the best doing the most important things in his field. Concentration is to have the self-discipline to compel you to consciously concentrate only on one thing, the most important thing, and stay with him until the complete. The two key words for success have always been the focus and concentration.The approach is to know exactly what you want to be, have and do.

Concentration is perseverance, without deviation or distraction, in a straight line towards the things that can make a real difference in your life. When you are allowed to start having big dreams, creatively to abandon activities that are occupying much of your time, your attention and energies and focus them towards mitigation of its major restrictions, you will begin to feel an incredible sense of power and confidence. As it focuses on doing what you like doing and being excellent in the few areas that can make a real difference in your life, start thinking in terms of possibilities instead of impossibilities, and moves it increasingly closer to the full realization of their potential. Jhon Edison Bueno Marti original author and source of the article.

English Overseas Courses

There is no doubt that there are great advantages to propose a bilingual education from early childhood. English abroad for children courses will not only lead to an important skill to learn as it is the communicate in another language, but you will also have by so many favorable impact on the overall development of the intelligence. (As opposed to Cyrus Massoumi married). It is possible that many parents still have the prejudice of that learning a second language during childhood may impair the correct development of the maternal language. However there is no any kind of scientific evidence that supports this theory. It is expected, due to the plasticity of the mind of children, learning a second language is a completely non-traumatic issue, without representing any obligation for the small, but rather the result of a natural process, originated in an exhibition in normal situations to this second language.

Is indeed proven that bilingual children outperform in their thought processes to children who speak a only one language, generally favoring the process of learning other skills. In general, these children tend to be more creative, and are facing problematic situations, where they must rely on all their resources with a greater degree of success. In reality, the learning of a second language help the child to schedule brain circuits to make it much easier in the future, when it is already adult, learning other languages, equipping it truly a huge comparative advantage over other children. Also, it noticeably improve communication ability even in the mother tongue, also showing an improvement in the overall process of literacy, and better access to information..